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Our Judicial System is looking like a joke. When we are young we were told that the Judicial System was a search for the truth. The truth now does not seem to matter to the courts at all. Now those courts are used to suppress the truth and hide it from the public that has a right to know. We are supposed to protect the innocent and punish the guilty. Too many times the innocent are the dead ones and the guilty are made out to look like the victims. Kyle Rittenhouse is not a victim. The people in the Arbery case are not victims. These were men carrying guns to invoke vigilante law. Rittenhouse was not even old enough to be caring the gun that he used to kill two men.

The Judge has ruled that the dead men are not allowed to be called victims. Why? Because they were not supposed to be there in the first place because they were violating a curfew? So the Judge in reality convicted two dead men of a crime without a trial and without a chance to defend themselves. Are you trying to tell me that is justice? The Judge has already set in motion that the shootings were justified. The fact that one of the defense’s star witnesses was a journalist working for Steve Bannon could not be brought up because the trial was not political. It sure looks political too me. Working for Steve Bannon has to be political. The fact that he had the jury give a defense witness an ovation because he was a veteran was just wrong. By doing that he just gave extra credibility to the testimony of that witness because he was a veteran.  There is video of Rittenhouse earlier stating that he wished he had his gun while a group of people were leaving a store because he was sure they were shop lifters. That video was not allowed in court. This was a young man that in my opinion had a gun and he was going to use it. Pictures of him hanging around with White Supremists flashing the White Supremists sign of course were not permissible. The dead men are the guilty ones and the victim is the kid that pulled the trigger even though the dead men were never convicted of any crime. One other thing. Are there no black people living in Kenosha? A mostly white jury, a white judge, and a white defendant. I am from Kenosha so I know that there are black people there.  I know that there are black people in Brunswick Georgia. In fact it is 65 percent black and the county is like 35 percent black yet there is only one black person on the jury. For the Defense attorney not wanting anymore black pastors in the courtroom sure looks and sounds racist.  Do not tell me that justice is color blind. It sure seems to know the difference between black and white to me.

Our Democracy was attacked by Domestic Terrorists. Yes Domestic Terrorist. Those Domestic Terrorists were sent in my opinion by the outgoing President of the United States with the intent of putting an unelected person in the White House. That would have been the end of our democracy and the end of our constitutional government. That was Jan 6th 2021 and as I am writing this it is now November 12 over 10 months later and we are no closer to knowing the truth than what we were 10 months ago. Why? Because of obstruction. Obstruction in our government and because of obstruction in the courts. Here we are again with the courts again. That body of justice that we were told growing up was a search for the truth is now that body that is helping the Main Terrorist delay the findings and hide the truth. If we do not get justice it will because of the Judicial System and the Courts. How many times does it have to be ruled on that Trump is no longer President and does not have the right to executive privilege. It was a part time job and a temp job at that that he no longer holds because his bosses, people like me fired him. He acts like he is a disposed emperor.  The communications on and about Jan 6th between the President is key to us finding out what really happened and it keeps on getting hung up in the courts. The tactic is to stall and hope that republicans win back the house in 2022 and then they can just hide all of this. Our Government was attacked by Domestic Terrorists and people are stalling to hide the truth from the American people. The saddest part of this is that the courts are helping. The courts are letting themselves be used as a tool to help destroy our democracy with the Supreme Court being the worst offender.  Has this happened before in history, like maybe Germany?

What I want is Truth and Justice. I want the guilty people to be punished. I want our courts to be truly color blind and levy justice equally. You should never have a situation where a black woman in Texas, Crystal Mason received five years in prison for voting by mistake with the assistance of a poll worker using a provisional ballet that was never count. Then you have a man that attacked police and stormed the Capitol with the intent to destroy our democracy was sentenced only 3 ½ years. That is not equal justice. Our courts are failing our democracy because they no longer search for the truth. They are just a tool that is being used to subvert the truth.




  1. This is well written. Everyone should read it. If vigilantism is allowed, our justice system is history--along with personal safety. The verdict of the Rittenhouse trial could severely affect future safety of landlords, government employees, judges, attorneys, teachers, parents, board members, etc. Any person in authority could be at risk.

    1. Thank you. I update my blog 3 times a weak so it is always changing.
      feel free ti borrow anything I say in one of my postings. The message is what is important.


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