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Voter suppression and racism go hand in hand. I think that I have written that a thousand times on Twitter. I will write it a thousand times more before the 2022 election. Voter suppression is the most important issue that is facing the country. They talk about the Build Back Better and childcare which are important issues but the most important issue is do we want a Democracy? In my opinion there are a whole lot of folks out there that really don’t. They talk like they do but their actions show us more.

To want a Democracy is not about being able to carry a gun. In fact carrying a gun has absolutely nothing to do with Democracy and that is from a gun owner. The thirst for Democracy is what inspired our forefathers to write the Constitution of the United States of America. They knew it was not a perfect document and that it would have to change and grow so they made it possible to change or amend the Constitution.  There have been 27 amendments added to the Constitution. If you want to change the Constitution that is how you should do it but I will tell you right now in today political climate I think that would be close to impossible to get this country to agree on anything. That is why I ask the question do you really want a Democracy? Remember words are cheap and actions speak much louder than words.

Many billionaires out there, I think, really do not want a democracy. Because they are rich they want their voice to be louder than yours or mine. That is not how our forefathers set it up but what they but the billionaires really don’t care. They have the money and that gives them the power. That folks in exactly why we fought our revolution in the first place. We fought so everyone could have an equal voice.  Every time a billionaire gives a member of our government, on any level, money expecting that government official to vote the way he wants them to vote, the vision of our forefathers has been lost. Bribery is just that bribery and for some reason it has become an acceptable practice in the halls of our Congress. If you truly want to drain the swamp in Washington the first thing you have to stop all the money that just pours into Washington. You can vote out who you feel is a corrupt Senator or Congressperson but as long as the money is there someone will always take their place. To clean up Washington you must get rid of the money first. If that means that we have to pay them more that so be it. I would rather pay an honest Senator more than let a corrupt Senator remain in office because of the dark money.

There are so many things out there that that need to be address in Washington that are not because of all the money. Our President just got home from the Global Climate Conference with most of the rest of the world. We have people in our own government that want us to keep on drilling for more oil and to keep on burning more coal. More money to the billionaires, like the Koch’s, is more important than saving the planet for our grandchildren. They will deny climate change when they know that it is real. Climate change is a moral issue but it is always made into a political issue. You cannot wait until our cities are being threatened by rising seas to do something about climate change. We cannot wait until the last of our forests are burning to do something. I will tell you one thing. The billionaires that caused the problem are not going to lift a finger to solve it. Many of those billionaires are not even American billionaires who are pouring money into Washington and corrupting our government. For a lot of you, if you want to know the real culprit in our climate crisis is all you have to do and look in the mirror. You believed the lies that will create a crisis for our grandchildren. You do not vote your own interest you vote for the interest of someone who doesn’t care if you live or die.

Money is what is destroying our Republic. Maybe I better put it another way, Greed is what is destroying our Republic greed and power. Now I will ask again do you really want a Democracy? If you do you have to show up at the polls and start voting for it.


  1. I agree with you. But, how does one overturn corrupt Supreme Court decisions? There are SCOTUS justices, who should be impeached, but with the current GOP control of the Senate through the anti-democratic, anti-majoritarian filibuster, how can that be accomplished? Also, The SCOTUS needs to be expanded to re-establish some balance, which was eliminated when McConnell and his gang stole the last two SCOTUS seats for the Federalist Society and rammed through extreme right-wing ideologues in an illegitimate process the Senate. The Senate is now a rogue institution. Something needs to be done about it.


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