Why would anyone vote Republican today? I look at the people in the Republican Party and I do not see a single person that I would want to run the country. We are a country that is very divided. Would you keep the dividers in power? Trump divided the country. Every other president that I have seen in my 68 years worked to unite the country. He declared the Democrats the enemy of the people. He lost the popular vote so, in reality, over half the voters were the enemy of the people. Marjorie Taylor Greene declares the Democrats the enemy of the people. People that want a strong united America don’t talk like that. I can tell you that I don’t like a couple of my neighbors but I would never consider then the enemy of the people. Feeding the peoples hate with lies and insults is not a way to make America strong. Never has been and never will be. In fact all the lying and misinformation from the Republicans like Marjorie Taylor Greene has done more to weaken our democracy and has strengthened our enemies. The more divided we become the weaker we become and we need to eliminate the things that weaken us like the filibuster.
I have stated before that I grew up in a Republican household. Many of my political beliefs were developed back then but the Republican Party was way different back then. Now over the years I have changed but not as much as the Republican Party has. I have looked at the Republican Party Platform from 1956 and I am just amazed how far right the Republicans have become. It is to the point that yesterday’s conservative are more like liberals today. There are very few real liberals but most of us are like the Republican Moderates of the 60s. I look at what the Eisenhower administration accomplished and am waiting for any Administration to try and equal it. The 60s space race does come close but nothing has enhanced Americans Freedom like the Interstate. Freedom to travel this great and beautiful nation like past generations never could. That freedom is taken for granted by all of us now. Those accomplishments were done by who they call the greatest generation. The generation that fought for not only our freedom but of the freedom of the world. We are not talking about masks and shots. We are talking about the freedom to live. They knew real freedom and not the hallow word that Ted Cruz screams walking across the stage. Those men put their lives on the line so the world would be a safer place for all. Today’s Republican cries freedom just because he thinks it makes him look like some patriot that he is not.
The greatest generation freed millions but today Republicans want to suppress anyone that does not believe as they. The problem is what do the Republicans believe in? They believe in violence. They believe in giving to the rich. They believe in doing away with regulations which are meant to help future generations. They believe in voter suppression as a means to maintain power. What don’t they believe in? They don’t believe in fair elections. They don’t believe in our Constitution. They do not believe in equality between the races. They don’t believe in education. They don’t believe in helping our veterans. Every time I see a Wounded Warriors Project Commercial I just want to scream. Why do people have to beg for money to help our veterans? They don’t believe that women are equal to men. Women do not deserve equal pay or equal control of their bodies. It is ok for a women to have a voice as long as it is Republican approved voice.
We have seen a good picture of what the Democrats believe in. They believe in better roads. They believe in fair elections. They believe that everyone should have a voice in our government. They believe that racism is not good for our country. They believe in Family. They believe in healthcare. They believe that education can solve many of the world’s problems. They believe in the law being dealt out fairly. They believe that global warming is real and we must start working now if we are going to give future generation and chance. They believe in freedom of religion. But most of all they believe in our Constitutional Government. They think that the American Dream should be there for everyone. Those were the dreams of the Republicans at one time but not anymore.
If you want our Constitutional Republic to survive you need to vote for the people that truly want it to survive. Our Democracy was attacked by Domestic Terrorist that were supported by a large portion of the Republican Party. The Republicans are dead set against the John Lewis Voters act. Why? Because that don’t want the country to use their voice. They want all the bribes pouring into Washington even if they are foreign bribes meant to weaken our democracy. They want the corruption to continue and some want our democracy to fail. The question is do you want out democracy to fail.
No!! I do not...