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Covid 19 will just not go away. Of course it has had a lot of help for sticking around. We didn’t react fast enough when it was first discovered and it mutated. Again we don’t react fast enough and it has mutated again. People are still dying and there are just too many people out there that don’t care. When did we become such an uncompassionate country? When is being able to go and have our beer at the corner bar more important than protecting the lives of your loved ones? Is it just because it is easier to believe the lies than to search for the truth and then do something to help. Real heroes save lives. The people that have been vaccinated and have been wearing masks have saved many lives. I am vaccinated and I still mask up. I save lives.

There is a new variant now call Omicron. This strain was first identified in South Africa. The World Health Organization is concerned that it may be more resistant to the vaccines that some of us have already taken. If you read some of the news it is already doom and gloom. Of course some of the news is that this is a hoax so more people have to vote by mail. Congressman Ronnie Jackson who actually used to be the White House physician for Trump says that the Omicron variant is a hoax. He says that it just a made up crisis that will force more people to vote by mail. He calls that cheating. There are a number of things wrong with his statement. The first thing that is wrong is that the information of the new Variant came from  the World Health Organization after it was discovered in South Africa. Do you really think that the World Health Organization is thinking about Americans voting by mail? Do you really think that the World Health Organization is conspiring with the Democrats so they can cheat on our elections. Do you really think that voting by mail which makes it easier for people to participate in our elections is cheating. Voting by mail helps Republican and Democrats alike. The other thing that bothers me is that he is calling it a hoax and as a result more people may die because Ronnie told them they didn’t have to take it seriously. Government should be protecting people by keeping them informed not calling something a hoax because it might help them politically.

I am really tired of all the political posturing from all politicians but mostly from the Republicans that use the pandemic as a way of furthering their political and sometimes racist agenda. Governor Abbott is claiming that the South Africans have been sneaking across the border from South Africa. We need the wall that can be climbed over and dug under to protect us from South Africa? Come on people we are smarter than that. I am all for border security but a wall does not cut it especially when most of our illegal aliens come in through legal ports of entry. I would be in favor of our military patrolling our borders and more electronic surveillance support.  A wall does not really address the real problem. The real problem is that Abbott hopes lies and his misinformation he will divide us more giving him and advantage in the next election. People have died in Texas from an antiquated power grid and from the lying and misinformation on Covid. Where is Abbott’s concern. Sorry but I don’t see any.

Telling people that they have to take responsibly for their own actions and taking personal responsibility for their choices in life as long as that advice is not directed at you. Everyone else needs to be responsible but me, I get a free pass. Sorry but that attitude does not cut it for me.  I really do not care if someone vaccinates or not. I agree with your body your choice just as I agree with Women on their choices. What I care about is the people that think it is ok to risk other people for the choice that they have made. Your freedom is fine but it should never be a threat to someone else’s life. Then it is not a matter of freedom. Then it is not wanting to take responsibly for your own actions. Would you think that a person with AIDS  should have the right to spread that? Of course you don’t. Why should a person like Trump have had that right. He had COVID and exposed many and we don’t even know if he infected anyone and the real problem is he didn’t care.

We need to get more serious about the pandemic and that seriousness has to come from the Republican Party. The pandemic is not a hoax. The mutations of the virus is not a hoax. The pandemic is not some Democratic conspiracy to cheat at election. Our Politicians need to be more concerned for the American people and more honest with them to. All the lying and misinformation has literally killed people.  As I said in the beginning, real heroes save lives.





Ronny Jackson Claims Omicron Is a Democratic Hoax (

WHO names transmissible new COVID-19 variant 'Omicron' - ABC News (

Greg Abbott Remarks About South Africa Migrants 'Crossing Border' Prompts Widespread Derision (

Trump tested positive for COVID before debate with Biden, former chief of staff says in new book (


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