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Here we are sitting around waiting for the Supreme Court to decide on an issue that should not have even made it to the Supreme Court. Of course that issue is what is called abortion. I call it suppression of women. I don’t know how they will decide the issue but from all reports it does not look good. I will never understand how a person can take a vow to protect and uphold the Constitution and then totally become a partisan hack. The Court is suppose to be above that so I thought when I was younger. As I have grown older I have realized that they may be the most partisan branch of our government.

I have posted on Twitter many times that freedom is a hollow word until all women are free. This issue of choice is really a lot bigger than abortion. The issue is as old as the beginning of time. Men suppressing women. Too many have that caveman mentality that all you need to have is a big club to make a women submit. Those comics have long gone but the mentality still exists. It is that mentality that has held women back in this country. It is that mentality that helps the male dominated politics of this nation wanting to destroy strong intelligent women from being seen as equals, “Women should not have equal pay for equal work”. “Women should not be able to have control of their own body”. Do you not call that suppression?

The church has been a terrible offender of equality of women. For centuries they made Mary Magdalene out to be some prostitute that had to be saved by Jesus when in reality she may have been his closest advisor and confidant. Why would the male dominated church do that? A better question is,  why did and still do women let the church treat them as some type of lower species  that has to be dictated to by men?  The Catholic Church is one of the worst offenders and they were the ones that turned Mary Magdalene into a whore. Why would they do that? Could it be that they wanted to intentionally suppress women? That is what it sure looks like to me. Of all the organizations that should not have had a caveman mentality it should have been the church that followed the teachings of Jesus. Jesus lifted everyone up not just men.

What is it that threatens men so that they demonize strong women to this day? Hillary has been demonized by the Republicans, Evangelicals and Catholics alike. What did she ever do but try to not only advance women’s rights but also the rights of all of us. The right has made Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez  out to be some sort of crazy women because she will try not only advance women issues but also the issues with the healthcare, poor, and the homeless. When Texas needed help she came running while Ted Cruz went to Cancun. Do they honor her? No, they instead advance people like Marjorie Taylor Greene because she will advance the parties policies of the suppression on women. What Greene is a smoke screen that keeps us all distracted from what the Republican Party wants to accomplish. That is why they don’t silence her. They use women to help then divide and conquer. They promote women that they know will bow to the party line and be willing to do the dirty work for people like Trump. If you think that the Republican Party or the Church wants to lift up women you are sadly mistaken. White men want to stay in power. They use women to help them accomplish that. It is really that simple.

The suppression of women will continue as long as they stay divided. We have two sexual predators on the Supreme Court because we let the brave women that came forward be demonized by not only the right but by the press as well. Anita Hill deserved to be believed and because we let the right and the press demonize her  we have been stuck with Clarence Thomas ever since. She brought to the light of day the sexual harassment the millions of women have experience in the workplace. Christine Ford came forward about Brett Kavanaugh and again we let the right and the press demonize her and now we are stuck with a under qualified Supreme Court Justice. She brought forward the sexual predators that a lot of women have to put up with. Why is it that we don’t believe women? These women risked everything to come forward. These women should be considered brave patriots but no we can’t have real women patriots. Another question is how we can expect these Supreme Court Justice be impartial when it comes to real women issues? I think Thomas has already shown us he can’t and I believe that Kavanaugh will show us the same thing.

Freedom will be a hollow word until all women are free. That will never happen unless enough of them unite and vote their oppressors out of office. Personally I think that this would be a better world.


Who Was Mary Magdalene: Wife, Prostitute or None of the Above? - HISTORY

Kavanaugh Accuser Seeks FBI Probe Into Her Claims | Courthouse News Service

How Anita Hill’s Testimony Made America Cringe—And Change - HISTORY

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez - Wikipedia


  1. I like your blog layout. I have one it is kind of all over the place it's a work in progress. I should write longer pieces.

    1. Thanks. My wife is careful that I don’t make it too long. She says people will loose interest. Don’t be afraid to share it. I use Twitter mostly.


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