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I have always wondered why so many so called sane people follow a morally corrupt ideology like Nazism or many of the old corrupt monarchies that have dotted the world. I have never been one to follow anyone let alone someone that is corrupt morally. I don’t follow anyone now and the only reason I vote for a person is because of the direction that I want the country to go. I do not like the direction that the Republicans want the country to go so I will not vote for a Republican. I don’t have to be some flag waving fake American. I show my love for America by how I vote.

History is consumed by the people that what I call would be suppressors. I never understood how people could just sit silent during historical events like the witch hunts from 1450AD to 1750AD. Were witch hunts really about people performing magic? They were more for what people would call heresy, people that believed differently than the church and the government. It was more of a tool to suppress independent thought and action. Today we have a lot of that. They don’t really cry “witch” they cry “fake news” when your eyes and ears can see it is real. Many people don’t want to believe their own eyes or ears so they cry fake news also.  They demonize their opponents as pedophiles and even devil worshipers because they know that it will cause hysteria in some circles because there are those that still will blindly believe. The only President I know that confessed to looking at underage girls in various stages of dress was Trump on the Howard Stern show. All he had to do was say fake news and people believed him even though they heard the interview. They demonized a nice man and grandfather like Biden and defended a person that may have not been a pedophile but was at the least a pervert all in the name of power. We are still on the side that would burn the witches and sorcerers than on the side of truth.

Hitler used that same power of persuasion. He demonized whole races of people and people of different beliefs. Not only did he try to exterminate Jews but also Ethnic Poles, Soviet Civilians, the Roma, the Disabled, Political and Religious Dissidents and Gay Men. These people were considered enemies of a race based state. How did people sit by and let that happen? A better question is we going to let that happen here? To many of our voter suppression laws are in reality race based. Too many terrible things have happened in history for that thirst for power. Too many people through history have died for that race based power. What is happening today in reality is race based power. Gerrymandering is really just a variation of racism and when you start you really do not know where it is going to end.

The courts have always been part of the problem when it came to the persecution and genocide of a race or religion. Most of the people burned at the stake were tried first and convicted of a crime that didn’t even exist. The laws that were passed by the Third Reich were part of the law of the land that the courts were part of. There was no court in Germany that said that it was wrong. When the courts have the same Ideology as the oppressors people are persecuted against and people die. People will try and tell you that the majority of Germans did not know that it was happening but if you read about how long the racism had been going on in Germany and the laws that had been passed they as a nation had to have known. The persecution of the Jews had been happening since the middle ages and before just like the repercussions to the blacks have been happening here since they were stolen from their homes and enslaved.

In America the Three Branches of Government are suppose to be for checks and balances. When you have a partisan court like we have now I fear for the future of our democracy. Citizens United is meant to give the rich and corporations a louder voice during our elections and it also made it possible for all the foreign money to come in and try to influence our elections. The Supreme Court has ruled in favor of gerrymandering which in reality is saying race based elections are ok. The Supreme Court in reality said that elections based on racism are ok. Could this be just the start? The protection for our system that the Supreme Court was put there to be is no longer happening and it is not a liberal or conservative thing in my opinion. It is an ideology of race and class superiority that will destroy our democracy if we continue down this road.

In 2018, in Kenosha County, I heard a speech by the County Sherriff saying that we should build big warehouses and put criminals in them until they perish. He stated that there were some people not worth saving. He was angry with a group of criminals that had done a snatch and grab and then led the police on a high speed chase but still he shouldn’t have said it because too many people are saying yes he is right. That could be how concentration camps start. People claiming that others are undesirable and not worthy of saving. That is how I feel when I hear Marjorie Taylor Greene, Matt Gaetz and Lauren Boebert speak. Some of you cannot just put your head in the sand and pretend it isn’t happening. It can happen here, and will, if we continue down the road we are going.



Witch-hunt - Wikipedia

The Holocaust - Wikipedia

Sheriff David Beth Called for Criminals to Be 'Warehoused' for Life - Rolling Stone

What the Supreme Court’s gerrymandering decision means for 2020 | PBS NewsHour


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