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I was reading a headline that said that we were closer to a civil war than most people want to believe. Things like that scare me and it should be scaring everyone. Have you seen anything good come out of any civil war? I haven’t. One thing that a civil war will do is not make us a superpower anymore. It will strengthen China and Russia and we will less respected in the world than we are. It has happened fast too. With Obama as our President the world loved him and respected us. I really think that is why Putin and the Russians interfered in our 2016 election. What is happening to America is exactly what Putin wants. By making us weaker he makes himself stronger. Donald Trump and the Republicans played right into his hand. It was almost like it was planned that way.

Maybe we were changing things too fast. Our very racist and religious people were dead set against any rights for the gay community. I was ready for the change but maybe the prejudices within the church were too great for now. I don’t mind taking prejudices straight on but that does not mean that I am right with that one. I am quick to call out racism and bigotry, maybe too quick. Most people don’t even realize that they are a bigot. They just think that you are insulting them by pointing out the truth. The truth is not a very big thing for these white Christians and they do not search for it. You can point out all you want that Jesus never said anything about homosexuality but they don’t care. Jesus never said anything about abortion but what Jesus said or didn’t say is not what is important to these people. You can point out the Jesus was a man of color but they would not believe you. To be honest with you I don’t know what is important to all these people. It sure in hell is not the words on Jesus.

Obama tried to bring us healthcare. You would think that he was trying to bring back the Stalin death camps. They called it communism. They said that socialism was equivalent to communism. Healthcare equals communism and people bought that. Sweden has healthcare and they are not a communist nation. Norway has healthcare and they are not a communist nation. Canada has healthcare are they are not a communist country. What is communist about healthcare? I don’t know but some people bought it hook, line, and sinker. Canada, Sweden and Norway are considered freer countries than we are so their healthcare didn’t take away their freedoms and turn them into some “Pinko Commie”. If anything, good healthcare is essential for our freedom. Lack of good healthcare just keeps us slaves to a system that traps us from pursuing our dreams and reaching our full potential. The reason why we don’t have healthcare is because the 1% does not really want the 99% to know the freedom that it can bring. That is what the real problem is. It is what the 1% wants.

It is funny but when we fought our revolution we were fight for more representation for everyone not less. A civil war would just bring us less. With a civil war our democracy will crumble and our standing in the world will be weakened. No country comes out stronger than before with a civil war. Dividing our country would just weaken it more. We are stronger standing together but divided we are weak. Like most wars we would wind up with less instead of more. Even very few of the 1% would benefit. Our enemies would benefit. Everyone would wind up with less. There would be no real winner except our enemies. Is that what people want? Is that what the goal is of some Republicans? Is that the goal of some of the 1%? I just don’t understand. They lie to us about voter fraud. They lie to us about healthcare. They lie to us about protecting our Constitution. The direction they want us to go in leads us to destruction. Maybe not in my lifetime because I am old but it will be within my children’s lifetime.

I have posted this many times but I will post it again. We must treat every election as a referendum for democracy and our Constitution against fascism and American apartheid. We must unite against the racism and bigotry that will destroy this great country of ours. I don’t know about you but I would rather be governed than be ruled.




America is ‘closer to civil war than any of us would like to believe,’ CIA advisor says ( 

Health Is Freedom (

The World's 10 Most Free Countries - WorldAtlas


  1. Absolutely dictator rump tried and failed no no hes got Desantos Is wanting a 1500 man malicia For Florida hoping other redstates will join in and so they can take over the United States overthrow the capital and dictator rump will have his way that's why hes so cozy 2 dictators


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