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I write about Freedom a lot on these postings. Freedom is just one of those words that just gets twisted and twisted so it no longer has any real meaning when it is shouted by someone like Ted Cruz. A person screaming many times freedom is really screaming Oppression. Do you really think that Ted Cruz wants to free women? Do you really think that Ted Cruz cares are about a person of color’s ability to vote? Do you really think a person like Ted Cruz cares about freedom of religion or freedom from religion? The only thing that Republicans like Ted Cruz cares about it power and that is not freedom for you, me, the people of Texas or the people of this nation.

Freedom has become just a hollow word that no longer has any real meaning. How can you scream freedom while taking a woman’s freedom away? How can you scream freedom while making it harder for minorities to vote? How can you scream freedom when you are redrawing districts to make people’s vote meaningless. These are not things that free nations do. I have heard that our freedoms are under attack and I agree,  I just don’t agree with the freedoms. What is really under attack is our Life, Liberty and Pursuit of Happiness. People are dying that do not have to die; it is that plain and simple. A piece of cloth does not take your freedom away from you. A soldier would not go to war without his helmet? Why would you go to war against the pandemic without a mask? When a soldier goes to war he gets inoculated for all kinds of things. If we are going to war against this pandemic wouldn’t it make sense to get inoculated against it? Real heroes fight to save lives. They don’t sit back and watch the enemy ravage the people around him or her.

As I have written before I had a massive heart attack just over 4 years ago. I also have non cancerous scarring on my lungs from exposure to asbestos. Needless to say I am in a very high risk category. I have masked up from the very beginning and got the vaccine as soon as I could. Special allowances were not made for people like me in Florida no matter what anyone tells you. Knowing that I was an “at risk” person I paid close attention to my environment all the time. I tried to live as normal of a life I could and I tried to support local businesses. I was amazed at the number of my fellow Floridians who could care less if I lived or died. I was amazed how my governor could care less if I lived or died. In reality they didn’t care about my “Life, Liberty or the Pursuit of Happiness”. The essential freedoms that every American should have had no meaning to too many of them all because they were asked to wear a silly piece of cloth that if everyone would have worn would have saved hundreds of thousands of lives. This was not some made up American thing. This is a worldwide pandemic, I repeat worldwide. The precautions were not about suppressing people’s rights and freedoms they were about trying to save the rights of freedom of life for everyone.

The Pandemic is still going strong and so far it looks like there is no end in sight. You can try and be like Jim Jordan as say that America is done with the pandemic but when the pandemic isn’t done with you what can you do? Ignore it and hope it goes away? That is not going to work. They have already tried to pray it away and that hasn’t worked. It has to be dealt with straight on. It has to be stopped being used as a political weapon from the people on the right. People are dying and some people don’t care. Some people just have not been doing enough to save their neighbors. That goes for businesses too. I have stopped doing business with business that I don’t feel safe in. If a business does not care enough about protecting me than my business is gone.  Probably gone even when the pandemic is done and a memory because there are going to be a lot of bad memories.

The two most important things we have is preserving our freedom of Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness and our right to representative government. Both are under attack and both are essential to the Republic for which we stand.


Ted Cruz Ended His CPAC Speech With The 'Freedom!' Yell From 'Braveheart' And People Are Ruthlessly Mocking Him For It (

Jim Jordan's misguided claim that 'real America is done' with Covid (


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