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How do we start healing America? You would think that telling the truth would be a good start but telling the truth does not appear to be working. I have written that in too many cases it is just too easy to believe the lie. The lying and misinformation about Covid has killed people. Too many people have died that could have been saved just by more leaders embracing a simple face mask. They lied saying that they don’t work when they do help. The lying about the January 6th insurrection has divided us even more than we were. We have been watching our democracy crumble but we will listen to people call January 6th just another day. I wasn’t just another day and we have to come to grips with that if we are going to move forward.

I remember when George W Bush said that they hate us for our freedom. It may have been a great line but it is a line that wasn’t true. Nobody hated us because of our freedom. We got attacked on 9/11 because Islamic Extremist wanted us out of the Middle East and to stop interfering with Middle East Politics. They hated us for our support of Israel that they wanted to drive from the Middle East. Nobody hated us for our freedoms but the line got people fired up and helped create the Islamic phobia that we have today. What they wanted was to be is free from the United States and our interference.  Our personal freedom had nothing to do with that. It is right for us to be allies with Israel but that was the problem to the Islamic Terrorists. Using a line that looks like it belongs on a bumper sticker does not solve the problem. Tell the truth, at least will get you closer to a solution.

Our freedoms are under attack but they are under attack by people in our own country and a lot of them are walking the halls of our government. We have Matthew Cawthorn and Marjorie Taylor Greene preaching armed insurrection. Why? Because over half the country elected a Democrat for President? Are we to be Americans or are we to be Republicans and Democrats? How come all you patriots are not standing up to those two that want to destroy our democracy? I did not hear one Democrat talk about an armed rebellion when George W Bush was elected in an election that some say was stolen and may very well have been. I did not hear a single Democrat talk about armed insurrection because Trump got elected with the aid of a foreign power. Why, when we have a legitimate election that has been proven to be fair do people want to rebel against their own government? Even if there was a Republican candidate that I really like I could not vote for them. Our Democracy is too important and too many Republicans have tried to destroy that democracy.

I know quite a few people that voted for Trump. I look at them a little different now than I did before the 2016 election. In some cases I just have stopped associating with them. I know a person with a handicapped child that voted for Trump after he mocked the handicapped. Women that support an admitted sexual predator. Do I take anything serious that they say? People that say they are fiscally conservative while our debt doubled. How do I take those people seriously? All the lying that I have heard is just disgusting. How can you call yourself a patriot and rebel against our republic just because you lost an election? Too many people voted for Trump and Republicans because of hate. They will never admit it but you can hate even with a smile on your face. White Supremacy is also a real thing just like White Privilege.

Republicans associate Socialism with Communism which is a lie. Don’t trust me. Look it up. Google the freest countries in the world. Go to the World Atlas site. You will see them listed there. Counties that have Socialized Medicine like Sweden and Norway are freer than we are. Republican lied about the election being stolen. Why? All it did was weaken our democracy. They lie about voter fraud so they can suppress the vote. Gerrymandering is voter suppression and so are many of the other practices they are introducing. We should not care who wins as long as it is done fairly for everyone and everyone’s voice is heard equally. You know that thing called the will of the people. I have said hundreds of times that voter suppression and racism go hand-in-hand. They lied about the insurrection. It was meant to destroy our democracy. They lied about the pandemic. This is a world pandemic and they made many believe that it was just a made up hoax the democrats cooked up to make Trump look bad. People have died because of the lie and the saddest part is that too many people do not care.

This is not the Republican Party of my father. This is not the Republican Party I grew up with. I do not know what it is but Eisenhower and Goldwater would not recognize it. I don’t think that Reagan would even recognize it. They have deserted the principles that we were founded on.



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