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I was watching TV last night and a commercial came on from local business here in Ft. Myers. The commercial was for Plantation Shutters and part of the advertisement was that if you supported Joe Biden and any of his liberal policies they did not want your business. I could not believe that I was seeing, a business, that would want to exclude people that support our President. If a company would have put a disclaimer like that for anyone supporting Trump I am pretty sure the outrage would have ended up with violence. Further, I could not believe that a television station like WINK,  here in Ft. Myers, would agree to air the commercial. You wonder why the country is so divided? I don’t. We may never be united again. Our democracy is literally under attack and businesses like this one are one of the reasons.

We had an election and the Country had spoken. Biden won. All the fake news in the world will not change that truth, Biden won. The big lie that the election was stolen will not change the truth, Biden won. Claiming that there was wide spread voter fraud when there wasn’t will not change the truth, Biden won. I keep posting that a divided America is a weak America. Who divided us? Trump and the Republicans divided us. Never in my 68 years on this earth have I seen a political party work so hard at trying to keep us divided. Why? Who benefits? Those are the two questions that I keep asking myself and the world. Do all those Trump voters benefit from a divided America? I Can’t see how? Lowering taxes for the rich doesn’t help most of them as far as I can see. I am pretty sure the Koch industries are not going to be cutting any of those people a check that will help then pay their bills. One secret about a lot of rich people,  they got a lot of help getting there but don’t want to return the favor. Case in point. All the tax breaks and subsidies that the oil companies get. Do you ever see them returning the favor? How about foreign powers that are out there that would love to see us fail like Russia? How about China who Trump started a trade war with? Are they now getting their revenge against us compliments of Trump? A divided America does not help America is just weakens America.

Now back to this Plantation Shutter guy just down the road from me. To help his business and other businesses like his the Democrats helped pushed through some very nice stimulus packages to help stimulate the economy. I know that most was during Trump’s time in office but it was really pushed by Nancy Pelosi and the Democrats.  I did not see a single ad that said “if you accepted that liberal socialist stimulus money I don’t want your business.”  I bet most businesses like his were more than happy that money was being put into the hands of the people that will spend it. We won’t even mention that socialistic PPP money. What we really have here is a business person that would have put up a sign at a drinking fountain in the 50’s saying “whites only”. Instead of Blacks he is substituting Democrats. A different group,  but the same meaning. A message he wants a divided America. It is a hateful message and it is being broadcast over the airways by a television station that may only care about profits. At least I hope that is the reason and we don’t have a television station that truly wants to help divide our community more. We already have Fox News dividing the nation we don’t need our local TV stations helping.

I have never voted for Trump. I don’t think I want people in government that I can’t trust my granddaughter  to be with and there seems to be a bunch of them in the Republican Party. I know a lot of people that voted for Trump. Did it change my opinion on some of them? Yes! Were there some that I expected to and would have been surprised if they didn’t vote for Trump? Yes. Are there some that didn’t vote for Trump that I expected too. Yes! Never once did I say to anyone that they couldn’t talk with me because they voted for a womanizing parasite like Trump. There is not a sign in front of my home saying pedophile Republicans are not welcome. Nothing in my home says Biden supporters only. That would be counterproductive and just divide the country more. Biden has passed legislation that the whole country will benefit. He did care if it benefited Republicans or Democrat. He didn’t care that it benefited people that didn’t vote for him. He didn’t care that it benefitted businesses where they don’t even want his supporters to walk through their doors. Biden only wanted America to benefit and I applaud him for that. Plantation Shutters? Not very pro America are they?




Plantation Shutters Anti Joe Biden Florida Commercial - YouTube


  1. There are, and I suppose always will be, those who prefer exclusion to inclusion, who prefer disunity and division over unity and cooperation, who prefer separate rather than together and the list goes on. These are the folks who are often misled, misinformed and help spread disinformation that is a tactic to keep the status quo and resist change, even change for the better which is hard to imagine, but there you have it.
    Take your local, well-described example and multiply it by millions who feel that way. Many still do not want to accept that Biden trumped TFG by 7 million votes and thus they remain detached from reality.

  2. The name of the company says it all: PLANTATION Shutters! Hopefully an 'all inclusive' company will open in Fort Myers that puts Plantation out of business.

  3. we will never dig ourselves out of this mess!
    here is the commercial


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