My god the sky is falling. President Biden Swore and called a member of Fox News a Son Of A Bitch. We must impeach the guy immediately. A Republican President would never act that way. On January 24th President Joe Biden called Peter Doocy “A Stupid Son Of A Bitch”. Now Peter Doocy is the son of Fox News anchor Steven Doocy. I will tell you that this was not at a press conference or during an interview. This was a question that was shouted out from a crowd of reporters that were trying to get a reaction from the President. They heard a reaction that should not have been said, and was insulting, but it really was not directed at a reporter to embarrass him or her. He did apologize for it yet, from the reaction of the press it may have been a very slow news day. It was not meant to be heard except that there was a hot mic on so the World heard it. I will ask you how many of us have done something similar and gotten away with it because there was not hot mic. Biden did call Doocy and apologize but to be honest with you Biden has to be more careful. I have watched Doocy at a few press briefings and I will tell you I think at times he sounds like a stupid son of a bitch. He tries to come up with these “gotcha” questions with I just find counterproductive and annoying.
I have two links below about the real insulter. Of course that is Donald Trump. Donald was the greatest insulter of all time. To compare Biden to Trump you really have to be A Stupid Son of a Bitch. Was there ever a press conference where Trump did not insult someone. Was there ever a debate were Trump did not insult someone. I don’t think Trump knew the answers to any question asked him. What he did know how to do was insult the person asking the question. That appears to be what people want today from the Republican Party. They don’t want answers. They don’t want solutions. They just want to insult because that is what seems to motivate their base. And women, how can any women vote for that man. He body shames most of you and treats you like you are some toy that men can just abuse. He calls his opponent’s wives ugly and will call female reporters stupid. 55 percent of white women voted for the man that thinks that if you are rich you can get away with sexual assault. All You women, with daughters, voted for a man that bragged about going back stage seeing teenage girls in various stages of dress just because he owned the Miss Teenage Pageant. You voted for him so do not even complain to be upset Biden called some reporter a Stupid Son of a Bitch during a hot mic instance.
I sit back and try to think of one thing that Trump and the Republicans did that the Country benefitted from. I don’t mean his base. I don’t mean the Republican Party. I mean the entire Country, Republicans and Democrats. There was the stimulus package but to be honest with you I think that was mostly Nancy Pelosi and the Democrats that pushed that the most. In Biden’s first year he put together an Infrastructure Plan that everyone will benefit from. Every person from every state. It is such a great plan that Republicans that voted against it are bragging about how good it is for their state and trying to take credit for it. What does Biden get for it. He gets reporters trying to have their gottcha moment. Our Press used to be better than that. Ask legitimate questions at appropriate times. You are the press so stop acting like the paparazzi.
I know that there are a lot of things that the President has no control over such as the price of oil. With the price of gas going up I would think that the price of everything would go up too. It seems that everything is dependent on transportation to the market from somewhere. You can ask the President what is he going to do about the price of oil all you want, Biden has no more control over that than Ford did or Bush and Clinton did. Oil companies cut production during Covid because demand was down and when demand went up they raised prices instead of keeping up with the demand. It is almost like the economy came back too fast and too strong. I could be wrong but that is how I see it. In a capitalistic system how is that the Presidents fault? We have to blame someone though. That is what we do.
The Complete List of Trump’s Twitter Insults (2015-2021) - The New York Times (
I remember the first insulting stuff coming out of trump's mouth in the beginning and I thought "God, no one will vote for this clown" ... and it did not seem to faze anyone! The more terrible stuff he did, the more they loved him and the more depressed I would get. I just had that feeling that this is the end of our civility, humanity, democracy. Then, the watch fake fox anchors and right-wing clutching their pearls at Biden "son of a bitch" glitch, was hysterical. I am not hopeful for our future anymore.