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One year ago a group of domestic terrorist stormed our Capitol. It was the first time our Capitol had been breached since the War of 1812. Then the British wanted to destroy our democracy and again enslave the colonies. A year ago a group wanted to put a non-elected individual in the White House destroying our democracy. They say the election was stolen. If it was stolen it was stolen by the voters. People voted like they never had before which is great but instead of being celebrated the Republicans scream fraud and many vote not to certify the election. People voted by mail and people voted in person and as long as they are a registered voter it should not matter how they vote. What should matter is that their voice is being heard. In our Republic it is the people’s right to choose the direction of the country.

Jan. 6th is now a day that will be etched in not just American History but in World History. Because of the digital age we in the world saw what was happening live. They heard Trump’s speech and everyone else’s speech that  fired up the crowd so they would want to storm the Capitol to change the election. “Hang Pence” was one of the battle cries. They wanted to bring down a branch of our government and put a non-elected person into the White House. That would have destroyed our democracy and our Constitution. They turned our flag into a weapon that they used to beat the Capital Police. Blue lives really did not matter to Republicans on Jan, 6th that is for sure. Where was the National Guard? Why didn’t the FBI do more? We all know why it took the President so long to call up the National Guard. He wanted the insurrectionist to succeed. He wanted our democracy to fail. He really never wanted to be President what he wanted was to be King.

Republicans have tried to say that it was just tourist. They tried to say it was Antifa people that stormed the Capitol. They even went as far as to say that they were Antifa people disguised as Trump supporters. The lying started almost immediately and the world knew that they were lying. Remember the whole world was watching everything unfold. Even after the National Guard was brought in and peace was restored over 140 Republicans voted not to certify the election. The leadership was quick to condemn Trump the next day but it didn’t take long for them to start rallying around Trump and the Republican Party. The Republicans like Liz Cheney who stood  up to Trump were stripped of her party’s  leadership and condemned by the rest of the party. What we were witnessing and are still witnessing is a political party that would rather see democracy fail.

Where there should be outrage there are instead,  just roadblocks to the truth. The truth is not a very important thing right now to the Republican Party. They have put up roadblock after roadblock in an effort to hide the truth. The American public needs the truth. If we expect to be a world leader the world needs to know the truth. The world needs to know when we speak as a nation they can trust what we say. Nations will not want to follow us if they can’t trust us. Power alone cannot make you a world leader. We had a bully for four years that set the American image of truth and fair play back so far that is will take years for us to recover. China is taking advantage of the weakness that Trump helped create and yes, Trump did weaken America. A divided America is a weak America. Our Allies know this and our enemies know this. Trump turned his back on the Kurds and the world took notice. Trump negotiated with the Taliban and deserted the Afghanistan government and the world took notice. Trump blamed everyone else for everything and the world took notice.

Our democracy was attacked on Jan. 6th 2021. That date will be remembered around the world just like 9/11 and December 7th. Not only is the country waiting for accountability the world is waiting for accountability. What happens in America either strengthens democracy or weakens it and that is what we should be worried about. During Trump’s four years China took advantage of our weakness in diplomacy. They are stronger than ever and will not give up a dominant roll on the world stage. Russia is just plain laughing at us. They have almost defeated us without firing a single shot. Some have called Trump a Putin puppet. I don’t know if that is true but I think that Putin played him all the way up to Jan. 6th. When Trump gets played, we get played.

Trump lied about the election and the world took notice. It will be a long time repairing the damage that Trump has done to the Country and the Republican Party. The Republican party didn’t care and the world took notice. Words are just words. Our actions are what has defined us. We must get rid of every person that wanted Trump to succeed and that also means every elected official that has been supportive of Trump and the Insurrection. Our Country should be above anything else.




  1. I agree Trump should be tried and convicted for treason and sentenced to the ultimate penalty


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