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Since the Lincoln’s Emancipation Proclamation we have had people trying to figure out how to suppress minorities mainly Black people but other minorities as well. It is almost 160 years later and from what I see things have not changed very much. White people are still trying to figure out how to suppress the Black vote. Right now it looks like the bigots are winning. I do not know a single person that admits that they are a bigot but I do know people that are. It takes a lot of soul searching to try and change.

Slavery is not dead in America. It has just taken on a new form. That form is called the minimum wage. You keep wages low for the people that actually do the work while the people with money just keep making more money. We have become what we fought a revolution against. We now have a system of nobility and serfs. We have our “lords” that want to rule over the masses just because they are rich. They use their money and their influence to buy politicians. They use their money and their influence to control the media. You don’t think the real purpose of Fox News is to report the news do you? Their purpose is to tell you what to think. Presidents like Teddy Roosevelt took the “lords” on, but they just keep on buying up our government. It is almost like when a person gets elected to Congress a big for sale sign goes up, and, the bidding begins. You want the corruption to end in Washington that is what you have to end, the buying of politicians. Buying politicians is profitable for the buyer and for the one that is being bought. The temptation that that money brings is just too much for many to resist.

The money has flowed into Washington for a long time. It used to be so you could buy favors from politicians for your favorite projects. So you could influence policy. That was bad enough and cost the American people dearly but now I think that they buy politicians so they can rule without being elected. They always say “follow the money”. That is truer now than any point in our history. How must money does it take to buy a Congressman. I bet it takes even more money to buy a Senator. I bet that buying of a Supreme Court Justice is less than a Senator. No matter what the price is there are people out there willing to buy and there are people out there willing to be sold. That is what money has done to our country and that is what we have to work to stop.

I have always felt that a lot of the money coming in is money from overseas. Could some of it be coming in from China? I don’t know but it would not surprise me. Could some of it be coming from the Middle East? I would be willing to bet on that one. Could some of the money be coming from Russia? I would be willing to bet on that one too. Are today’s billionaires more citizens of the world and not really a country? Aren’t they more multinational than we would like to admit? Can a Saudi Prince get away with murdering a journalist because he has the President ear? Can a politician be bribed by natural resource companies so they can keep on destroying our planet for profit? When the majority of the American public knows that climate change is real and that we should be doing more could you see the suppression of voting so that their voices are not heard?

I fear for our Republic. I don’t fear of a revolution. There may be another attempt to over throw of our government but a revolution no. I think that our lawlessness will get worse and worse. The violent talk of the far right of the Republican Party that is calling for people to take up arms will not lead to a civil war. What it will lead to is more lawlessness that will eventually have to be dealt with and when it is it will not be pretty.  


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