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Voter fraud is in the news a lot in Florida right now. Our dear Governor has proposed a department where all it does is investigate voter fraud. We must have a serious problem with voter fraud in Florida for our Governor to be proposing a 52 man unit with 45 full time investigators. Voter fraud is some serious stuff in the Sunshine State according to DeSantis for him to want to spend 6.6 million dollars investigating it. We must have  the “Democratic Mafia” running around stuffing election drop-off boxes with fraudulent ballots. The Mayor Daley political machine must have moved to Florida from Chicago. They must be combing our cemeteries for eligible voters to register.

Is this a real problem? If it is, then,  it was a real problem  when DeSantis won his election.  Everything that has come out of the Republican’s mouth about the election fraud does not hold up. The FBI, the law enforcement agency that helped get Trump elected in the first place is going to turn a blind eye to election fraud when it was anwsering to Trump’s own Justice Department. The Department that he tried to use as his personal “SS” squad to control and intimidate people? Every person in law enforcement that I know is Republican. These people are going to now defraud the American public by putting a Democrat in the White House? Why? What power does the Democrats weld that could put together such a secretive machine. The days of Mayor Daley and the Democratic Machine in Chicago are gone and the only reason that  machine was so powerful was because he controlled law enforcement too. In the 2020 election Trump controlled the law enforcement.

Is DeSantis’s election goon squad really necessary? We have the FBI that already investigates election fraud. They found four voters in The Villages that voted twice. Once in their home state and once in Florida. They all voted for Trump, they all voted Republican. It turns out that there is a voter registration database that is shared by 30 states and monitored by the FBI. In today’s digital age queries can be run in seconds that manually would have taken months or even years to perform is the direction that our voting security should be going in. That is also the direction voting should be going in. They want you to distrust technology when they themselves will use it to monitor every time you vote.

Do I think that there is voter fraud. Yes, but not at the scale that you are led to believe and not by the people that they are trying to try and suppress. It is more like the people in the Villages that are so afraid that Trump was going to lose that they risked breaking the law to try and stop it. If someone told me that there were thousands of incidents similar to what occurred in The Villages I would be more willing to believe that than that there was  an organized effort by the poor to fix elections. There is not a million black people running around with blank ballots and filling them out and putting them in drop boxes. That is what Republicans want you to believe, but it is a lie. They will try and tell you that there are millions of illegal Mexicans voting for free stuff and that is just a lie. They will feed on their bases racism to try and make them think that there is a problem and that they are the only ones trying to fix it. It is a lie.

The worst case of voter fraud in Florida was with a Prom Queen Vote were the mother and daughter got a hold of a computer for the school district and voted over 200 times for the daughter.  DeSantis is bringing his team to investigate that one. That is serious stuff. But to investigate ghost candidates meant to split the opposition’s vote? You hear nothing about that. Why? It is election fraud and it is being done to benefit the Republicans in Florida. Of course our governor will turn a blind eye to that and concentrate on intimidating the poor and the minorities like any good Christian Governor world do.

DeSantis’s  55 man goon squad does two things. The first thing is that it is a 6.6 million dollar campaign commercial paid for by the good people of Florida. The second thing is that if it is actually created it will be his own personal goon squad to intimidate Florida minority voters. We are living in some dark times were the people that are supposed to be watching out for our democracy are the ones trying to destroy it.





Gov. DeSantis has been avoiding election fraud in Florida, not pursuing it | Frank Cerabino (

Ron DeSantis' Election Police Proposal Would 'Poison Democracy': WaPo Editorial Board (

Richard J. Daley - Wikipedia


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