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As I have said before, I live in Florida. We have many interesting politicians here in Florida but none are more interesting than Marco Rubio. Some are just as interesting like Governor DeSantis but I can’t say more. Rubio has lusted after the White House and I can only assume that he is still lusting after it. When I first heard Rubio talk I felt that there was some hope still for the Republican Party but as time has gone on I have realized that he is just a politician that will say anything to get elected and is willing to change direction one hundred and eighty degrees to gain votes. He represents what is the worst about our government not the best.

Donald Trump took 15 boxes of documentation from the White House when he left. Rubio comes out and said that he believes that Trump did not do anything illegal. Here is his chance to show that he believes in the law and what does he do? He doubles down on his support for Trump. Why would he do that? He could have said that was something for the Department of Justice to look into. He could have just said that maybe that will have to be looked into. Instead he blamed the mainstream media and pretended that what Trump did was normal. There is a Presidential Records Act that controls what should happen to a President’s Records so it just may be illegal what Trump did. I ran a Google search to see if Obama took any of his records with him and came up with nothing. What I did come up with was that he put a 12 year restriction on when the Public can review his documents. The same as Clinton and Bush which was permitted under the Presidential Records Act. Trump could have done that but no, he took his with him.

In 2016 Marco Rubio was very critical of Donald Trump and how Donald Trump would hurt the Republican Party and the conservative movement. He was right on but almost all of the Republican Candidates were saying the same thing so what he said did not really separate himself from the pack. What it did was make him correct as were all of them. Trump did great damage to the Republican Party and the Conservative movement. He would have been more honest if he would have said that Trump would greatly damage Democracy and weaken our Nation. Instead he followed in goosestep behind Trump and after Trump won the nomination.

With the insurrection he has also tried to downplay it. Mitch McConnell has call January 6th an insurrection. Rubio at first called in a riot. I often wondered why there were Republicans calling it a riot then I realized it was to justify it as just like the Black Lives Matter riots. Let me see. I never saw gallows erected to hang the Vice President at any Black Lives demonstration. I never saw any of the Black Lives Matter protestors running around with zip ties to capture members of Congress but, what the hell.  Let’s just divert attention to the Blacks. Now, it is just political discourse. He calls the January 6th investigation a sham. A search for the truth is just a sham to Rubio. What is a sham is that Rubio stopped searching for the truth and has embraced the lies so he can win votes.

Marco Rubio was once a man that wanted to bring back civility to the conservatives and did not condone the violence that Trump brought to the party. He once stated that a con artist was not going to take over the Republican Party and become President. What has happened? He loves to promote what a religious person he is and then he winds up worshipping at the feet on Pontius Pilot, aka Trump. Has he replaced his cross with the golden idol of Trump?

One thing is for certain. Our Democracy was attacked by domestic terrorist with the intent of putting a non-elected person in the White House. Our nation’s democracy has been weakened in the eyes of the world and our nation has been weakened at home. Marco Rubio was right how Trump would hurt the Republican party. To be honest with you, Marco Rubio should have been more worried about our nation than just his ambitions and the Republican party.



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