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I have been wondering for over five years how Americans could not be upset with the fact the Russians were trying to interfere with our elections. I am not talking about Trump colluding with the Russians I am talking about the fact that all of our Federal Agencies said that the Russians tried to influence our election. Why are people not upset? I am upset! I look across our northern border and realize that the reason  many Americans think it is acceptable for outside people to destabilize a government. In this case a Friendly government. American money is pouring into Canada to support the Trucker’s Protest that is trying to destabilize Canada. It makes me wonder if American money didn’t start the protests in the first place.

American businessman Elon Musk has been very supportive of the Canadian protests and even compared the Canadian Prime Minister to Hitler. Here is the Prime Minister of Canada wanting to save lives being compared to one of the biggest murderers in the history of the world by Musk. If I was Canada I would turn every Telsa manufactured in the US away from the border. I know that they won’t do that because Canada is too nice of a country and they take their freedoms seriously, with the freedom to life being one of the biggest. How many more American billionaires have helped finance the Truckers and what role has Fox News played in this? If I was Canada I would be taking measures to ensure their sovereignty over the bully Americans and I would arrest foreign instigators. We are supposed to be their trusted neighbor and there are Americans that want to disrupt their democracy. Are we trying to destabilize the entire region for the benefit of billionaires? Next, the protest will be here in the United States and the Republicans will be cheering on the white truckers while they didn’t give a damn about any Black Lives.

  Candace Owens is now making news. She would like us to invade Canada for the way they are treating the truckers. Can you believe that? The United States should invade Canada. That is one of the dumbest things I have ever heard. Maybe someone should have invaded us for how we treated Black Lives Matters protestors. There is even a law now in Florida that it is legal to hit a protestor with your car if they are blocking the road. DeSantis sign a law giving immunity for people that drive their car into protestors blocking the road. I believe that law was declared unconstitutional but Republicans really don’t care about the Constitution. I also don’t think that Candace Owens cares about the Constitution nor does she care about the rights of a sovereign nation to govern their own country. What she cares about is increasing her brand through talk of violence. She is a spokes person for the Right and that is what the Right and the Republicans have sunk to.

I was out for dinner the other evening at a riverside restaurant and a boat pulls up to the dock flying a huge flag that says “Let’s Go Brandon”. I find that an insulting flag, just as insulting as the Confederate flag. Both represent a group that has tried to topple the United States of America. I don’t care if you didn’t vote for Biden. I didn’t vote for Trump but I didn’t fly any flags supporting Hillary and disrespecting our democracy and that is what that flag is, disrespecting our democracy. We have too many people that do not respect the very thing that our forefathers fought for. The Republicans are becoming a party of thugs that want to destabilize the whole of North America not just the United States.

If you could trust people to do the right thing mandates would not be needed. All through history people have been told to do the right thing and all through history people that choose not to do the right thing has wound up killing millions. People, the Ten Commandments were mandates. Why? Because even God’s chosen people needed to be told to do the right thing.



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