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It was 19 years ago the United States invaded Iraq. President Bush at the time had a handful of excuses that were not true. Iraq had nothing to do with 9/11. Iraq was not harboring terrorist. Iraq was not hiding weapons of mass destruction. We really had no reason to invade that country but we did. One thing we did have was a President that demanded support for those lies. I will always remember Bush saying that “You are either with me or against me”. What he was doing in my opinion saying that if you did not support him you were a treasonous traitor. The majority did support him including Democrats. I think that many knew it was wrong did not want to look like they were not supporting our President. After we invaded I think no one wanted to look like they are not supporting a war time President.  I am a nobody that was just working IT at a hospital system but I stated that it was wrong and would wind up being a mess. I was right and it is still a mess. I knew that we were destabilizing the region. If I could have figured that out there had to be plenty of people in the Bush Administration that did too. They did it anyway.

I bring this up because of what has transpires over the last 19 yrs to where we are today. Biden inherited a mess, a crisis (COVID) that is killing hundreds of thousands and millions worldwide with many more every day. Everything that Biden has tried to do to save lives has been opposed by the Republican Party. The Party that demanded blind loyalty for an unjust war started by a Republican President has done everything in its power to not support a Democratic President during a real world wide crisis. They have played politics with this crisis that should have been taken head on by Trump and because of that hundreds of thousands of Americans have died that didn’t need to. What do the Republicans gain with the death of Americans? How so many voters in this country support the needless death on Americans? Is the lust for power so strong that your neighbors need to die senselessly? Wearing a mask is taking away your freedom is a joke, a disgusting joke. People have died and will continue to die because of the Republican lust for power and their hatred for democracy. Not Democrats, they hate democracy.

Now we have the crisis in Ukraine. Putin has attacked a sovereign nation that has not provoked him. Yes, he has made up lies just like Bush did. Is he using that as a blueprint? One real problem we have is not enough of this country called out Bush on his conquest of Iraq. Many in this country still has not called out Bush and the thousands that died because of his lies. Now we have members of the Republican Party not supporting Biden and our NATO allies as they confront the Russian aggression in the Ukraine but supporting Putin. Remember the concessions that Chamberlain and the allies made with Germany and Czechoslovakia with Chamberlain declaring Peace in Our Time. Look what happened after that one. You start making concessions to a Dictator like a Hitler they will only want more because Hitler had a long term strategy. I hate to say this but Putin will only want more. Does he have a long term strategy too? This has nothing to do with security. Even if Ukraine did join NATO, NATO does not want anything to do with Russia. Russia is a mess and no one would invade Russia because of that. NATO is never going to attack Russia they are a defensive organization. They will defend themselves from Russia but there is a big difference from protecting yourself and attacking someone.

The fact that Trump and his followers in the Republican Party are backing Putin instead of supporting our President speaks volumes for their support for America and their support for Democracy. Trump and the many Republicans would rather support a man that put bounties on our soldiers in Afghanistan. I know you will say it wasn’t proven but it wasn’t proven not true either. Of course it was denied by Putin and Trump believed him but it was reported by our own intelligence agencies. They would rather support a man that interfered with our elections than their own President. Trump and the Republicans would desert our allies even though those allies stood by us even when we were wrong. The former Draft Dodging Commander and Chief Bone Spurs and the Republicans have their propaganda channel in Fox News that is also a propaganda channel for the Russian government in my opinion. He disgraces the country he was not brave enough to serve and protect.

 We already know that the Republicans have deserted our democracy. In fact there are three very serious threats to democracy around the world. One is of course Putin and Russia. The other is China and its desire to control the Far East. Then there is the Republican Party that would position themselves with a fascist dictator as long as they regained power. Democracy doesn’t work the way that Republicans want to run things. Minority rule is not democracy. The suppression of women and minorities is not democracy.

You want freedom and I want freedom. Death in not freedom. A one party system will never establish a free society. Voter suppression will never bring about a free society. You let them start taking away your real freedoms like voting they will just want more and more until there are no real freedoms left.


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