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Trump is in the news again and again it is for promoting violence. At a rally in Texas he called the New York prosecutors and the Georgia prosecutors racists because they want to put him in jail. Of course only a Black racist prosecutor would want to put him in jail. None of the White prosecutors that want to put him in jail are racists, only the black ones. He wants the biggest protest ever in Washington DC, New York and Atlanta. You know what happened the last time he asked people to come to Washington DC. It is so interesting watching a white guy playing the race card like the only reason that they want to prosecute him is because he is white. Breaking the law has absolutely nothing to do with it, of course, because we all know that Trump never broke the law. They are going after him because he is White.

One scary thing said at the rallies is that the insurrectionists from Jan 6th are not being treated fairly and that he might pardon them  if he is elected again. That is a promise that he probably would  not have to deliver considering the light sentences that most are getting.  Most of them would be out of jail by then anyway.  I feel what he is really doing in encouraging more violence and insinuating that when he is elected again that he will pardon them. He is hoping that if they get too close to arresting him than the threat of violence will help him escape justice. All he does is undermine law and order and the order that the law brings to our everyday lives. Violence has always been part of his platform and the Republican Party has embrace that violence a little too much for me to ever support them. If you encourage a murderer to murder you are just as guilty and as the murderer. If you are encouraging violence you are just as guilty as those committing the violence. All my life I have been told that no one is above the law. Why is Trump? I wonder if a Republican would feel that Biden is above the law? They sure wanted to tie Biden to his son Hunter and some still do.

Trump is still claiming that the election was stolen and that Pence is a traitor for not overturning the election. He has put a big bull’s eye on Pence and I for one am curious if he will survive and I don’t mean politically. Politically he is already dead. They had a gallows at the Jan 6th election to try and intimidate Pence. To his credit he didn’t flinch. That may endure him to many in the country but not anyone from the Trump Cult.  Prosecutors in Georgia have asked the DOJ for extra protection because Trump has called on retaliation against them. I just cannot imagine why more people are not outraged that our justice system is under attack. Without the law we have nothing. Our laws come from the document that we call our Constitution. Questions about the law are supposed to be decided by the courts and not at some rally in Texas. If Trump wants to be innocent than act like you are, by testifying. Hillary did more than once, but Trump runs from it because more in likely he is guilty. An innocent man I do not think would be trying to stir up the confrontation and violence from the people that are searching for the truth.  They would be confronting those with the truth.

As more and more information comes out about the fake electoral and the attempts to steal the election I get more and more disenchanted with our Department of Justice. The public need to see accountability. If the law is not applied to them then why is it applied to me and you. Many people have participated in the effort to undermine our democracy including the wife of a Supreme Court Justice. Ginny Thomas wife of Clarence Thomas was there to help undermine our democracy. This was not someone defending their First Amendment Rights, this was someone that wanted to help overturn an election. This is someone that wanted to help undermine our Constitution. Imagine the wife of a Supreme Court Justice wanting undermine our Constitution and overturn an election. How can we expect that Supreme Court Justice be impartial. You don’t think that they didn’t talk about this stuff at home before it happened?

I think that Trump should be arrested. Do I think he would ever go to trial? Nope! This is a man that runs. This is a man that wants other people to do his fighting for him. Nope he will run and still throw stones from afar. I bet he would love to build a hotel in Rio.


At Trump's Texas rally, dangled pardons weren't the only problem (

Opinion: Trump's rally in Texas shows exactly why he's so dangerous - CNN


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