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When the Republicans and Trump are feeling a little bit of legal pressure they seem to always do one of two things. Attack Bidden for his son Hunter or they attack Hillary. We all remember Hunter’s laptop mysteriously traveling from California to New Jersey just so Rudy Giuliani could find it. They complain about whatever they can get the most mileage at the time. Right now it is Hillary’s turn.

Hillary was accused of using a private email server during her time as Secretary of State for the Obama administration. I will tell you that I think that is wrong. She was investigated more than once for this offense by the FBI. In fact, right before the election James Comey reopened the investigation into Hillary’s emails then closing the investigation just days before the election hurting her chances of getting elected. The battle cry at the Trump rallies was “Lock Her Up”. I thought that was very inappropriate for Trump to allow that at the rallies but he also seemed to be encouraging the chant. Even after Trump was elected the battle cry was still “Lock Her Up”. Even now there are people that still say lock her up. The FBI did not find enough wrongdoing to even bring charges but they wanted Hillary locked up. No charges. No Trial. They just wanted her locked up and Trump seemed to encourage that.

Now fast forward five years. Trump took fifteen boxes of documentation that belonged to the American people that should have been transferred to the National Achieves. All this time he has been encouraging the “Lock Her Up” chants at all his rallies and what he has done is much worse. There are reports of him destroying documents during his four years in office. He makes Nixon’s missing tapes seem like petty larceny. When it comes to documentation and oversight we have had four years of corruption. Documents shredded and documents flushed down the toilet. Innocent people don’t act that way. To give Biden credit he has not held a single Nazi style rally like Trump did and there has been to chants of “lock him up”. What Trump did I truly believe was illegal and I also believe that he knew it was illegal. I would find it hard to believe that there were not advisors around him that didn’t know it was illegal. I would be surprised that the Secret Service didn’t know it was illegal. What it really comes down to is that Trump does not think that he is accountable to the American people, our laws, or our courts. Why doesn’t he believe he isn’t accountable? He has been a crook all his life and he has not been held accountable.

Because of all the talk about Trump and the destruction of documents we are seeing smoke screens being put up by Trump and his cronies. So remember they always turn to Hunter Biden or Hillary. Well it is Hillary. It is now being reported that an associate of Hillary tried to infiltrate using a tech company the Trump Campaign to prove Russian collusion. Trump is saying in another time there should be executions. No arrests, no trials, executions.  Jim Jordan one on Trump Cronies went on Fox News and seemed to concur with this. Here is a man that has justified an insurrection to try and overthrow the government of the United States and has refused to cooperate with the January 6th commission to try and get to the bottom of this and he appears to be supporting Trump about executions. He tried to put a non-elected man into our White House. I am sorry but nothing that Hillary or Nixon did compares to what happened and January 6th. Dictators talk about executions not people that believe in the rule of the law and Democracy.

People are saying that we are close to a civil war. Most people will think of it as like what we had State against State. That is not going to happen. It will be a war of assassination. People will die not because of what they do. They will die because they are different. Gay, Trans, Black, Asian. None will be safe. The local militias will spread fear and in the end no one will be safe. It will be a war or suppressing the majority by using fear. It will be something that destabilizes our country that we will no longer be a real player on the world stage. Go ahead folks. Support Trump. Support the insurrection. The thing that you will not be supporting is our future and the future of this country for your children and grandchildren. With the violence that now is coming from much of the Republican party no one will be a winner. Our Democracy will no longer exist. And when it is gone those that voted for the insurrectionist only have to look in the mirror for who is responsible. Only winners can win at the ballet box. Vote!

Jim Jordan Appears To Embrace Trump's Call To Execute Hillary Clinton Campaign Aides (




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