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When will old men stop fighting wars with the young bodies of other people’s sons and daughters? That is the question that I have been asking for over 20 years. That is also a question that is pretty much a question that has no answer. I posted that question on Facebook and one of my friends came back with when they start having the minimum draft age of 55 years old. Won’t happen, but it is funny in a sad way.

Old men have been fighting wars with other people’s young sons and daughters for centuries. Maybe for as long as man has walked this Earth. Show me a war when it wasn’t true. Also for as long as man has been walking this Earth the people that are doing the fighting will not be the ones that win anything. It is always the old men that sent them. It is also always the old men that profit from it, never the soldier. The soldier’s job is to fight and die for some unknown person or group that has something to gain from the violence. Many time these old men benefit financially win or lose as some did with the Vietnam War. There is money to be made from war. Every bullet shot and every bomb dropped will have to be replaced no matter who won or lost.  They always say follow the money and that I think that has always been true since the invention of war.

Has there ever been an aggressor for war that was actually leading a noble cause? I am sure history has some but I can’t think of one off hand. The invasion of Kuwait is not some noble cause. They are just lies to bully a smaller country. It also cost the lives of about one hundred thousand of his people that were there for his gain and not their own. Liberating Kuwait may have been noble but it shouldn’t have even started in the first place. World War II and Hitler. What was Hitler’s noble cause? World War II what was Japan’s noble cause? Was there any noble cause about any of World War I that so many should have died for? Our Civil War started to defend a way of life dependant on Slavery. Yes Slavery! Most wars are fought for the benefit not of the ones doing the fighting but for the ones doing the ordering.

When the war is over what happens to the soldier? The victorious soldier may go home to an appreciated nation and the soldier that is not victorious goes home to an uncertain future and the bitterness of defeat. Over time though there is no real difference between the victorious and the not victorious. They both will be forgotten by the people that sent them. The help that both will need from experiencing the horrors of war just won’t be there. From the effect of Agent Orange to the pollution that was being spewed by the burning oil wells their country will turn their backs on them. The mental health aspect of war and what it does to men over time is often forgotten. The help for them, by that appreciated government, is not there as the number of homeless veterans hear in America prove. We honor them a few days over the course of a year, where they should feel honored ever day of the year. Every time I see a Wounded Warrior Project Commercial I question why do we need a charity to take care of our wounded veterans? This country will always owe them and when new technology comes out that will help them they should be first and not dependant of a charity. If you don’t want to help them after war don’t send them in the first place.

The aggressors throughout history, I don’t believe, have started a war for noble a causes with one exception that is our own Revolution. Our Revolution was fought to stop our young and old to be beholding to a ruling class. They envisioned a free republic decided by the people and not by nobility. Yes, this was a noble cause that the average person had as much to gain as the wealthy. The right to choose who would govern and the right to change that every election. Over 200 years later that noble cause that was fought by our Fore Fathers is under attack from a group that want to establish a ruling class. They tried to put a Dictator on the throne of the United States. A man that did not want to be President but a man that wanted to be King. As Hitler betrayed his thugs, the SA (the Brown Shirts), on the Night of the Long Knives and how the Communist betrayed the Bolsheviks, Trump would do the same to the people that would have brought him to power. Evil men do evil things and then discard them to appease the people they want to share power with. That power will never be in the hands of the people like our Fore Fathers envisioned.

Yes we need to have old men stop fighting wars with the other people’s sons and daughters. Our young people have to be stopped being sacrificed for the benefit of old men and their profits.




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