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The divide in America continues. This divide in my opinion is meant to weaken America not strengthen it. I always ask who benefits from a divided America and I always come up with the same answer. Russia benefits form a divided America. My question is why we vote for people that will make us weaker and our enemies stronger.

In 2016 our nation was attacked by a country that wanted to influence our election with the use of misinformation. What were the results of that? Besides some sanctions that were put in place by Obama, not much. Our own intelligence agencies said that it happened but no action was taken by the party that controlled the House, the Senate, and the White House. President Trump stated that he spoke with the head of the Russian government Putin and he said that they didn’t do a thing. Our President Trump said that he believed Putin over our own Intelligence agencies. We all knew that it happened and here was an opportunity to start uniting the country and he does just the opposite. He lies to the American people. If he would have taken the lead in this he would have looked like the flag waving patriot that he tried to tell is he was. Lying and misinformation is not a way to unite the country.

The country then had a major medical crisis or better said, the world had a major medical crisis. That crisis was the Covid 19. Here is a common enemy of the entire world let alone the country. What better way of uniting the country than rallying the nation against a common enemy. Here again Trump does just the opposite. His lying and in some cases admitted lying divided the nation more. The results were that many people died, that in my opinion, did not need to die. I really think that if he would have worked with the CDC and the Democrats to help control the virus and save lives he would have been reelected. I will say that his lying and misinformation divided the nation even more and also killed people that didn’t need to die.

Trump is no longer in office and I really don’t think that he will mount a comeback and win the Presidency again. The country still stays divided. Why? Because if you can’t win an election with good sound policies and a true vision for the future of America you keep the country divided in an effort to stay in power. You can’t possible think that voter suppression will unite the Country? Voter suppression is meant to divide. You can’t possible think that gerrymandering will unite the Country? Gerrymandering is just another form of voter suppression meant to divide. You can’t think that denying women control over their reproductive lives is going to unite that country. It is just another form of suppression. Demonizing the opposing the party in this case the Democrats is not the way to unite that country. Democrats try to run against Republicans on policy. Republicans seem to run against Democrats by calling then communists. They don’t have any other plan besides calling their opponent a bad name. What do the Republican campaign on?  Infrastructure? Nothing. Healthcare? Nothing. Wage gap? Nothing. They are quick to cry that they are fighting for our freedom. If you don’t have the freedom to vote and you don’t have control of your own body freedom is just a hollow word that has no meaning.

Now you have people on the far right calling the President of Ukraine a Thug and a Nazi. They call a Jewish man that lost family in the Holocaust a Nazi. What are they trying to accomplish with talk like this? Keep America Divided. Who benefits from a divided America? Putin. When you have People like Tucker Carlson and Marjorie Taylor Greene supplying sound bites for the Russian News media it just make us look weak and divided to the people of a foreign country. That is what those two want to accomplish, divide America. I also want to know who in the hell is Candace Owens. She acts like an expert but all she is an expert at making money by dividing our society. She is just another Republican grifter who dropped out of college. I wish MSM would stop printing articles from her. She serves no real purpose other than divide our nation.

I am told that I have to meet the right half way. That there has to be some common ground. How can you meet a person that want to suppress minority voters halfway? How do you meet a person that would take away the freedom of women halfway? I don’t tell them how they should vote. All I want is the same right for everyone to vote. What is the middle ground there? I don’t run around promoting abortion all I am saying the person right to choose should not be taken away and that includes everyone the wants to have a child. Giving the people the choice should be the middle ground but it isn’t for some reason. The middle ground can only be respect and taking rights away does not show respect.


  1. The problem is as I see it, generations of people who blindly believe that Democrats are Communists and don't bother to think for themselves. Trump made fake news a real thing when it came to mainstream reporting, not just found when reading The Sun or similar trashy magazines.
    Trump has made so many bad policies, it's going to take years to heal the divides, yet people still support him and think he is the "best thing since sliced bread". Personally I fail to see how so many can be so gullible, but again put a lot of it down to generations of hatred of Democrats, fake news and stupidity. Well, that and racial hatred as well, since so many Trump supporters are obviously white supremacists.


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