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Well all you racists, you have now been instructed by your fearless leader, Commander and Chief Bone Spurs aka Trump to lay down your life against Critical Race Theory. The man that hid in his bunker during a Black Lives Matter protest wants you to lay down your life for a theory that explores the history of race and how it connects with the development of America. He wants you dying so he can keep people ignorant. That is what he wants. I don’t know how learning about Critical Race Theory affects any of the issues facing the country today. Does Critical Race Theory have anything to do with Global Warming? I don’t think so. Does Critical Race Theory have anything to do with the price of gas? Not as far as I am concerned. Does Critical Race Theory have anything to do with the war in Ukraine? Not that I can see so what does Critical Race Theory have to do about anything important effecting our lives? Besides making us smarter and maybe more conscience of the plight of other races in America, really nothing.  

What is Trump trying to do here? That is a great question that probably has multiple answers. I am no Trump expert and in fact I am no expert on anything. I am just a 68 year old guy that reads my news and had a good Christian background of right and wrong from my youth. Though I do not follow the church I do remember the lessons that shaped my life. I also remember the time Trump said that his followers should march to the Capitol with him. They marched and he hid in the White House. People died and he was never held accountable for anything. His message back then was a message of hate and his message today is a message of hate.  Are we now going to have Trump supporters shooting teachers and professors? His message is one of violence and it has been embraced by much of the Republican Party and by much of the Church. It is embraced by people that have no idea what Critical Race Theory is. All they want to do is hate black and brown people.

I asked a teacher does her school teach Critical Race Theory and the answer was no. She did not have a Critical Race Theory book in her classroom. Critical Races Theory is a very broad subject that is mostly debated in the Academic world not in the classroom of our Public Schools. Why is the news not calling out these politicians? Beats the hell out of me, but the sites that are saying that it is, are lying. Is history being taught in the schools? Yes! We have Black History Month. What do you think is going to be talked about? Black History. Rosa Parks refusing to give up her seat in the bus is history not Critical Race Theory. Martin Luther King’s march across the bloody bridge in Selma is history not Critical Race Theory. Black Wall Street is history not Critical Race Theory. Do you know why? Because they really happened so it is not a theory. Slavery is not a theory. It really happened. These are things that are not be debated by the academic world because they are facts.  It is not the theory that they want to get rid of in the schools. It is the facts.

Trump and his followers want people to lay down their lives so he can continue to lie and bring in more money. Bigotry and racism is a tool that they use to make you want to give them money. That is what it is about hate and money. They make you believe that they are the only people that can save you from some imaginary monster that does not exist. Corrupt men in the past have done the same thing in fact history is full of corrupt men that have done the same thing. Manipulated people through fear. Most of the time they are trying to make you fear something that will not ever harm you. Learning different ideas on our quest to discover the truth is not something that will harm people. I will ask you this question. Why do Trump and his followers fear the search for the truth? Is the truth so powerful that we shouldn’t be striving to discover it?

No President or Ex President in my lifetime has tried to create such political discourse for profit than Trump has tried to do. Trump holds Nazi style rallies that people pay money to attend and he sells merchandise like some carnival barker. He works to keep America divided by racism and hate. He wishes to bring down the very country he claims to love. Every past President that I have seen in my lifetime loved this country enough to try and sit back and let the next man do his job. Both Carter and G H W Bush were one term Presidents and they made the country feel like winners with the class that they showed. Not Trump. He has set out to destroy the very thing that Carter and Bush wanted to preserve.

By asking his supporters to put their lives on the line to stop Critical Race Theory he has put our teachers and educational system in danger. What he has done is ordered his followers to stop any discussion of racism and black history because in reality neither Trump nor his followers even know what Critical Race Theory (CRT) is. All he knows when he talks about CRT his racist followers will give him money and stoke more fear. If they knew what Critical Race Theory is, they would know that it is not something that is taught in the K – 12 public schools. It is something that can be found in any library and all over the internet. It is not something that fear is going to make disappear.


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