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What are the Republicans in Florida in favor of? They sure are not pro health. They don’t appear to be pro employment. They don’t appear to be pro minority. They don’t appear to be pro women. They don’t appear to be pro children. They don’t appear to be pro education. They are not pro live and let live. They are not pro environment. They are not pro free speech. They also don’t appear to be pro business.

One of the biggest cash cows for the State of Florida is Disney World. Disney World in my opinion helped change Florida from the “retirement state” to the “vacation capital of the United States”. Florida went from the place to escape winter to a year round destination. Disney World is a business that attracts not only people from around the United States but also for around the world. Disney attracts a very diverse public to the State of Florida that spends a ton of money. The image that Disney has always projected was one of not only entertainment but one of the future, a very diverse future. The world has changed a lot since Disney World first opened and Disney has been trying to keep up. When you have a business that has such a diverse customer base you need employees that have been trained to be able to handle and understand that diversity. That diversity training is a real problem for the Republican Party in Florida. What is wrong with diversity training? According to Bryan Avila Disney’s “Reimage Tomorrow” program is about educating about “systemic racism”. Our Governor DeSantis said that Florida is taking a stand against State-sanctioned racism that is critical race theory. That they are protecting Florida workers against the hostile work environment that is created when employees have to endure CRT –inspired training and indoctrination. Racism is alive and well in Florida and the leader of the new Florida KKK is Ron DeSantis.

Disney has always been about a better world tomorrow so its Reimage Tomorrow is their way of amplifying the underrepresented voices and untold stories as well as championing the importance of accurate representation in the media and entertainment. Because they feel that we are all greater than a single story, and we all deserve to feel seen, heard and understood. Since Disney World reopened they have spent a lot of their energy on the future and trying to build a better future for everyone in the world. Teaching diversity is not teaching Critical Race Theory. Their diversity training is good for their business and also good for the State of Florida. As I stated earlier, people for all over the world come to Disney World and spend their money in the greater Orlando area. In fact most of Florida has benefited from Disney World. Now when people think of Florida the two biggest thing that they think about is the great Florida Beaches and Disney World. After Disney World came Sea World and Universal. Disney had a vision and that attracted more people and business to see that vision.   

Our Governor knows that, he just hopes that the people of Florida are too stupid to know that. He is willing to sacrifice businesses so he can keep racism in the forefront of his campaign to get reelected. DeSantis thinks that racism sells and if he keeps talking about it he will get reelected. DeSantis says that by doing what he is doing he is standing against State Sanctioned Racism. In reality what he is doing is creating more racism and more division. He is calling the victims of racism the racist and the education of racism in our history as indoctrination. If you look at people that have done that in the past you will see some pretty evil people and a whole lot of death because of that racism. For example the study of the Nazi’s is very much the study of racism by turning the racists into the victims and the discriminated into the racists.  As I have said many times he is hoping that your hate is so strong that you will not search for the truth. The dummying down of the Republican Party is now dummying down of America.

Businesses like Disney know that diversity training is good for business. The Republican Party knows that diversity training is not good for a political party that is trying to survive with hate. Keeping the public uninformed and stupid is how the Republican Party is hoping to survive. They have worked very hard to try and redefine what a racist is and have appeared to be successful with the Republican Base. The real problem that the Republican Party will have in the future is the fact that the information systems that we are relying on more and more for our daily existence. The internet you can’t hide racism. Yes, it is easier to lie on the internet and put out bigoted propaganda but it is also easier to search and find the truth. Our libraries not only in the United States but all over the world are now open 24/7. We are now not only part of American History but we are now part of World History written by historians all over the world. We are no longer going to be able to hide from our racist past because the world can see it. We will never be able to take the whip out of the overseer’s hands and we need to acknowledge that it was there.

Because the world can see the racism that we have now and in the past taking the high road with countries that China will be hard for us to do. All they have to do is point to the bigotry that people like DeSantis brings to the table and tell us that we should solve our own problems before we stick our noses in theirs.  





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