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When in doubt blame Biden. It is raining today, so it must be Biden’s fault. My snow needs to be shoveled why Biden doesn’t fix that? That has been a popular Republican theme. Blame Biden. There are many things that Biden is being blamed for that are not Biden’s fault. The price of gas at the pumps for one. The Russian invasion of Ukraine is another. The crisis at the border, if there really is a crisis. The labor shortage. What I find most interesting and appalling at the same time is that the people doing the blaming have no real solutions. Oh, they talk, but nothing that will solve the real problems.

The price of gas has been going up since the end of the Trump Administration. If you search the web you will see that the main culprit is, of course the virus, and supply and demand. Also, you will see that the President has very little control over the price of gas. You can say his energy policies are what are driving up the prices but that in my opinion that would not be true. Biden’s energy polices have not had time to affect anything. The Keystone pipeline was not in operation so the cancelling of that affected nothing that would have caused the prices now to go up. Ten years from now you may be able to point a finger at Biden but not now. Right now we have many issues affecting the price of gas with the number one being Covid according to everything I read. I would like to point out when gas really started to jump was when the Colonial Pipeline was hacked. Prices all over the Southeast, where I live jumped immediately. In my opinion, gas prices have been going up steadily since for various other reasons. One reason no one talks about and should be talked about is that the American voter may be being punished for electing a Democratic climate change believing President. Why would the oil companies do that? Because they know that there is not much that the President can do and it gives political fuel to the Republicans. Republicans, instead of helping our pocket books will do anything and say anything to make the President look bad.

The border crisis is always one of the go to issues that the Republicans bring up to make the Democrats look bad. If you really read about how both the Republicans and the Democrats treated illegal immigration you will see that there is not much difference between the two parties. Obama actually deported more illegal immigrants that most Presidents including Trump I believe. Just because one party says something about the other party does not make it true and when it came to immigration and the Obama Administration it wasn’t true. The two main differences that I can see is the dam wall that would have deterred nothing and that fact the Trump separated children from their parents. The boarder crisis has not changed through multiple Presidents Republican or Democrat. What we have been told about how immigrants are taking our jobs was always a lie. Everywhere I look there are a help wanted sign out and our unemployment numbers are down. In the not too distant future we may actually have to encourage immigration just to keep up for the demand for workers.

The big one now is blaming Biden for the war in Ukraine. Do I think that Biden could have been tougher on Russia, well yes? Was there anything that Biden could have done to stop the war in Ukraine? I don’t think so short of putting our own soldiers at risk. Since before the Trump Administration our intelligence agencies have been reporting election interference by the Russians. Obama didn’t do enough but to be honest with you the Republicans did nothing! Why? Because they were the ones that were benefiting from the Russian interference. Party before the security of our Country. Let me repeat. Party before the security of our Country. The attack on our election by the Russians was just as serious as the bombing of Pearl Harbor and the destruction of the World Trade Center. They were meant to weaken our democracy and just because your side won it doesn’t make it justifiable. Anything that attacks our democracy should be a concern for every American Republican or Democrat. If we would have a solid front against Putin and his Russian interference in 2016 would that have made a difference? If that front would have been led by Trump history would be probably is a little kinder to him. He would have been putting his country ahead of himself like a good leader should. Instead he did just the opposite and weakened our democracy.

The Trump administration and some in the Republican Party also worked very hard to weaken NATO. They wanted to pull American troops out of Europe and stated that NATO was obsolete. All this did was embolden Putin and Russia and weakened our relationship with our European friends. We even had a group of Republican Senators celebrating the fourth of July our Independence Day as guest of the Russian government. They said that they were there for frank talks with the Russian Government about election interference. They stated that they asked our Russian friends not to interfere in our next election. Boy that sounds powerful. Many Republicans wanted to remove the sanctions from Russia that were imposed for the Annexation of Crimea. I am sorry but this is not appeasement this is outright the courting of a corrupt government for political again. The weakness that we showed by the Republicans courting Russian favors I feel has lead directly to the crisis that we now have in the Ukraine.

I am not a Democrat as my bio says I am an Independent American. I know it sound like I am always railing on the Republicans but that is because the Republicans are working against our democracy. I wish that the Republicans would work as hard at building up America as they are trying to tear it apart. If the Democrats were trying to destroy our democracy I would be railing on them. The thing is the Democrats are trying to move America forward and the Republicans are tearing it down. On January 6th 2021 our democracy was attacked by domestic terrorist that tried to put an unelected man into the White House. A man that really didn’t want to be a President. A man that wanted to be a King or Dictator. He was and still is supported by the Republican Party. Like Ukraine we need people here to fight for our Republic and to fight for our existence as a Democracy.  


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