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Book banning is now become a big thing in Florida. People see Critical Race Theory everywhere. People in Florida see Gays everywhere. People in Florida see Trans people molesting children in bathrooms. Some people in Florida are nuts and our Governor is one of them. There is so much hate that you can feel it when you are out in public and it is getting worse. Why? One word DeSantis!

They are now banning math books in Florida Schools claiming they teach Critical Race Theory. Really? Math? Math is going to make you hate your race? I have to say that does not add up. They put out 4 examples of what they say are examples of teaching Critical Race Theory. One was a racial graph. A racial graph is not Critical Race Theory. Math is not a subject that deals big in theory. It is a subject that deals with facts. What is really happening is that any reference to race is being eliminated in the Florida Schools. What is being accomplished? Demonizing anything that is not White and Straight. It use to be called bigotry but in Florida it is fighting Critical Race Theory. What will history write? I think that they will write about bigotry. Racism and bigotry are real things that children see in real life every day. They do not see Critical Race Theory. You just think racism and bigotry is something that you can hide? Bigotry is what has killed millions and millions of people worldwide.

Math books are not the only books that are being banned from Florida Public Schools. Some school districts have banned the Harry Potter books. The Harry Potter books have done more to encourage reading in young adults than any other book series in my lifetime. Of course that is just my opinion but I know that is an opinion shared by many. Now Harry Potter books are fantasy fiction. Of course all of you know what fiction is right? Why ban a book series that started children reading real books again?  Because it is about wizards and witches? Do you really think that the books will teach children how to become witches and wizards? Make believe characters? We all know that there is no such thing as wizards and witches. They are just fun and exciting books that teach children how to use their imagination. What is wrong with that? Are we banning books or are we really discouraging children from reading?

There is a book “Everywhere Babies” that has banned in the Walton School District. This is a book that has been recommended to new parents and a celebrated title on the Best Books lists. Why is it banned? The only explanation is that there is one picture of a couple of males hugging. Males don’t hug? Talk about being homophobic. Yes homophobic!  Can you tell me that DeSantis has never hugged another man? I would bet that he has. When my children were growing up I was more concerned about the fact that they were or were not reading as much as what they were reading. Reading is a skill that when nurtured properly is a skill of enjoyment that will last them the rest of their live. I read between 40 to 50 books a year. Some of the books I have read are on the banned book lists. I have read the entire “His Dark Materials” trilogy and found nothing that I think would harm a young mind. The church may not like it but then the church should not be telling us what we can put in our libraries, but do you know what? They are! The separation of Church and State must be maintained for the health of not only the nation but for the church itself. There is now a group that wants the Bible banned from all school libraries. If people find the book “Everywhere Babies” offensive and have it banned then I would think that the Bible should be banned too because it could be much more offensive to some that just a picture on two men hugging. 

DeSantis talks about indoctrination. The schools job is to not only teach facts but to also teach children how to think. DeSantis in reality does not want either to happen, the learning of facts and the learning to think. Racism and bigotry are facts not theory. The deaths that have been cause by them are historical facts. To try and hide this universal problem will only lead to more racism and bigotry. It is all around us and in today digital age where most every library is open 24/7 that information will always be there somewhere for that people that really what to learn. What DeSantis is doing in reality is indoctrination. Many tyrants throughout history have banned books and that led to the death of many that were not of the same, so called, pure race. Minorities who support DeSantis, I think that when he looks at you he really thinks that he is superior to you and that is why you must be led. I ask why do you follow someone that thinks he is superior to you? He does not want you to learn differently. Enough hate and bigotry can lead to persecution and death just look at any genocide. You can say that it can’t happen here and I hope you are right.

The rest of the industrialized world, I feel, is moving forward and we are standing still and in some cases moving backwards. Suppression of education and creative thinking does not lead to creative innovation that will be needed in the future.  George W. Bush wanted no child left behind. DeSantis doesn’t mind if children of color are left behind as long as he wins elections.



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