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History this week was made when they confirmed the first Black Women to the Supreme Court. When you compare Ketanji Brown Jackson’s qualifications over pretty much anyone else currently sitting on the court she seems to be the most qualified. When you are the first, I think that it pretty much has to be that way because of all the opposition that you will get. When it seems that the Republican Party is pretty much basing its whole platform on race, this is one that will go down in the history books. The Republicans argument was one for campaign commercials and not searching for the truth. The party that is soft on crime was afraid that she would be soft on crime. Oh. wait the party that is soft on White Crime is worried that she will be soft on Black Crime. The party that supported an entire crime family in the White House is afraid that she will try and disperse equal justice that is not happening today in my opinion. Rand Paul’s antics will go down in the history books as one of disrespect for our government and the process. My understanding he cast his vote his no vote from the cloak room because he refused to wear a suit. Only two Republicans stayed on the floor and applauded the confirmation and the rest just left like spoiled little children.

Black people in America are held to a different standard and those that deny it are just lying to themselves. It is just too easy to lie about black involvement and have tons of people believed you. There are still people out there that will tell you that the storming of the Capital was done by Antifa people in disguised. Yup, there was a bunch of black people in white face there to stop certification and the transfer of power to the man that they supported. There were Republican members of Congress that stated that as a fact. There are also members of the conservative news that stated that as a fact. Our problem isn’t the fact that we have stupid people. Our problem is the fact that we have members in our Congress that will lie to these stupid people. I will always remember when John McCain was running against Barak Obama and he was speaking at a campaign event. There was as women at the event that stated that Obama was a Muslim. John McCain stopped talking and very nicely told the women that was not true and that his opponent was a good Christian man. Truth, John McCain was a conservative and wanted to win with conservative values and one of those values was the truth. Lying was not one of the values that he wanted to win with. History will be very kind to that great man.

In today digital age all this stuff will survive for future historians to study and write about. I saw a picture of Senator Blackburn flashing the white supremacy sign. I don’t know if it was on purpose or a mistake or even a photo shop but these things will all survive. All of Rand Paul’s antics will survive all the way down to his silly perm. Clinton will forever be viewed as a sexual predator. Mitch McConnell will always be known as Moscow Mitch because of his dealing with Russian business. If you want to be on the big stage you better be prepared to be judged by history generations from now. I keep saying that there will be many people that are going to embarrass their great great grandchildren. History will know who voted to help destroy our environment. History will show the systematic racism that defines our nation right now. Future generations will be able to read about it like they are there. They will know the names of the people that put money, power, and greed in before the future of generations to come and the future of our nation. I don’t know about you but I would care about what my great grandchildren and their children read about me. That is of course if we survive that long. Between the destruction on the earth through war or changing environment we are just shortening man’s future here.


We just can’t say that the solution is that we won’t teach something in our schools and think that will solve the problem. When I was in Grade School sixty years ago there was no such thing as Black History Month. There was just history and I will tell you that it was mostly white history. Columbus was hailed as a hero for discovering America. We all knew that “Columbus sailed the ocean blue in fourteen hundred and ninety two”. We were taught that rhyme so we would always remember the discovery of America. Even when we learned about the Underground Railroad it is written as white people helping slaves escape to freedom. My point is it was always written from a perspective that was not the Black perspective, the Native American perspective or the perspective of any minority even though they are Americans too. Still we learned about things anyway even though they were not taught in school. Rosewood in Florida, Black Wall Street in Tulsa Oklahoma, Wounded Knee, things that were not taught in school is now common knowledge. Even though things are not taught in school people that search for the truth will be able to find the truth.

In todays age of the Internet the suppression of the truth just gets harder and harder. We have to stop thinking that American history is not part of World History because whether we like it or not we are now part of World History. If we are not careful the rest of the world will know our history better than we do. We can’t take the high road when the people of the world know the sins that we do not acknowledge. We cannot condemn Apartheid in other countries when we have it here and yes we have it here. That is what voter suppression will accomplish. If we are to be the “Home of the Free and the Land of the Brave” we must act that way. Freedom has become a hollow word that has no meaning in a country that wants to suppress education right along with Minorities and Women.  




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