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I have said this a lot but in today’s digital age everything we say, post and write can be saved for future generations to see and study maybe forever. Marjorie Taylor Greene has used social media to post some hateful and violent things. This became very apparent on the witness stand. They would ask her a question about her posting. She would say that she does not remember. They would show her the social media showing what she said. She then would blame it on someone else that is managing her social media for her. She spreads hate and then when she is called on it she blames someone else. That is like Hitler blaming his speech writer of all the hate that he spread that caused the death of millions. We tell our children to take responsibly for their actions and we have adults in our government that will not take responsibility for their actions. This is a new age folks, this is a digital age and the truth is just too easy to find. The lies and misinformation that one spreads will follow us long after we are dead. It will be backed up electronically somewhere for people hundreds of years from now to study and learn about. In my opinion Marjorie Taylor Greene has committed perjury and should be held accountable. Will she be? I doubt it. Lying just seems to be just to mainstream today.

In social media you always see Mitch McConnell referred to as Moscow Mitch. Because of today’s internet and social media that name will sick with him forever. I don’t think he really understood that in today’s digital world you can’t escape what you bring upon yourself and he did bring this upon himself. In 2016 he refused to sign a bipartisan statement warning about Russian election interference. The FBI, CIA, DHS and every other National Security agency knew it was happening. Could it been that he wanted the Russians help so the Republicans would win? Historians will be asking that questions hundreds of years for now. The Mueller report stated that the Russians were going to interfere with the 2020 election. He blocked two bills before the 2020 election that were introduced to try and protect the election from Russian interference. To me, it looked like he would welcome help from the Russians as long as he stayed in power. That is not a man that has put his country first. Then there was Oleg Deirpaska who was a key player in the Mueller Report. Seems that he had been given secret briefings on the American elections from Trump’s campaign manager and that information may have been going back to Putin. McConnell worked to help to have the sanctions lifted from Deripaska and soon afterwards Deripaska’s company announced that it would be making a 200,000,000 dollar investment in an aluminum facility in Kentucky. Was that a $200,000,000 campaign contribution? You could almost call it a bribe. Here again party and power before country. If Mitch would have taken on the Russians instead of empowering them would the world be different today? Would Russia be in Ukraine now? These are questions that will be asked a hundred years from now.

I have said this many times that in today’s digital age we have to be careful not to embarrass our great grandchildren because of what we say, write and do may be preserved for future students to study like they are there participating. I write a blog and have over 200 posting so far and it will continue to grow. What I write could survive for thousands of years so I try to make it as truthful as possible. I even try to write in a manner that even if they didn’t agree with me they would not be embarrassed by me. Can Marjorie Taylor Greene say the same thing? This is the lady that posted that lasers from outer space were causing the wild fires. Her attacks on Jews is well recorded even calling family members of holocaust survivors Nazi’s like George Soros. She spoke at a White Supremacy conference. She claimed that the Sandy Hook and Parkland school shooting were false flag operations. Children died and her words just caused more pain for the victims’ families. What will historians write about her when there will be so much digital evidence to view? I wish I could come back a hundred years from now to see what the world has written about this period in our political history.

All this information will survive long after we are all gone. Our history is world history and what we say and do is seen all over the world. What we say and do could haunt our families for generations so there is an added incentive to do the right thing. Everyone that is put in the spotlight should remember this not just Marjorie Taylor Greene and Moscow Mitch, all Republicans and all Democrats all of us. Lying may be protected by the 1st amendment but not from history.






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