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I hear every once in a while the term “Radical Left”. When I hear people like Marjorie Taylor Greene throw those words around she never says what part of America the “Radical Left” would destroy.  I thought I would look at what is so scary about the “Radical Left” that would send chills down the spine of so call good Patriotic Americans.

The first thing that I look at is wealth distribution or what some will call the redistribution of wealth. I don’t know why they would say the redistribution of wealth where I really don’t see anyone talking about taking money away from the billionaires and giving it directly to the people without money. What I see is people talking about a livable wage. Mostly paying people what they are worth. What I would call paying people for the real value that they add. Let’s look at a meat producing company. I was reading that the bonus for the CEO of one of those companies was 50 million dollars. The company was making record profits during this time of rising inflation and he was being rewarded. Yes, record profits when there is suppose to be shortages and supply chain issues causing the inflation. I wonder what the cleaning crew would make at one of his processing plants. Maybe 15 dollars an hour if they are lucky but probably less. Now let’s just say that the cleaning crew does a poor job and the meat the company sells in contaminated. Of course the company would lose money and maybe even close. So who really adds the most to the quality of the product being sold? The cleaning staff or the CEO. I am not saying the CEO shouldn’t be fairly compensated but what I am saying is maybe the CEO should not live like a king while the workers live like paupers. A livable wage is what some would call it. I call it being paid the proper value that what the job adds. I think that the right would call that “money redistribution”. Paying a person a livable wage should not be a scary thing and should not be considered a radical thing. It should have been a thing that we should have been doing all along.

Next let’s look at Healthcare. Healthcare for all. Now that is a scary notion. Why the right is so opposed to healthcare to me just seems so immoral. That is right, immoral. The right opposed Medicare and Medicaid. They favor private insurance. Companies profiting off of other peoples miseries is what I call it and that is why I call it immoral. That is like Jesus healing the sick and then sending them a bill. I think that he showed us that healthcare should be a right and not something only for who can afford it. When it comes to healthcare it seems to me we have lost our moral compass. In the last 40 years who pays for benefits has greatly changed. When unions were strong healthcare was a thing that was negotiated at the bargaining table. In the 60s and 70s it was very common for employees for the automotive industry to have fully funded health insurance. Businesses began to balk as the price of healthcare began to rise. Now I don’t think there are very many employees that do not contribute to their healthcare plan. So in a way employees lost benefits and spendable income at the same time. Other nations have moved onto a National Healthcare that takes the burden away from the employer. A burden that I don’t think many employers wanted in the first place. Many think that socialize medicine, as they call it, will lead to Communism. Boy, talking about a scare tactic. Look at the list of countries that have socialized medicine. Countries like Great Britain, Sweden, Norway, Japan and Australia to name just a few. Those countries do not look to me to be the bastions to Communism. So why are we lied to about socialized medicine? Could it be that there is huge money to be made from peoples suffering? That would be one of my guesses, a lot of time it mostly comes down to money. Also, when you look up the freest countries in the world on the World Atlas site most if not all of these countries is freer than we are. Could there be a correlation between healthcare and personal freedom. Image the freedom of employment mobility that you would have if your benefits followed you wherever you went. Now that would be real freedom. 

Another is immigration policy. The “Radical Left” wants to have a forgiveness program for people that came here illegally. A pathway to citizenships so to speak. There is something about the word illegal that has always struck a nerve with me. I have always been in favor of legal immigration. Immigration has been the heart and soul of this country whether the right will believe that or not. My great grandparents were immigrants so I am from immigrants as is much of the country. I really do not know how much of a problem we have with illegal immigration because of all the sensationalizing from the right. I do know that we have a labor shortage. Everywhere I look and I see help wanted signs all over the place which leads me to think that there is not as big of a problem that the right has made it out to be. I once watched an interview of Ann Coulter where she blamed businesses and the Republican Party for the immigration problem because of a thirst for cheep labor. I believe that really was part of the problem in the beginning. As wages went up, the way to keep them down was to flood the market with cheap labor.  I think that there are so many undocumented workers now that we really have no choice but to come up with a path to citizenship. The deportation and the separation of families to me just does not seem to be the moral thing to do. We do need to solve the problem but when 60 percent of the problem comes in through legal ports of entry then a wall is not going to fix it and it is very debatable how effective a wall would be in the first place. This problem was created by multiple groups and both parties and only through constructive dialogue can the problem be solved. The “Radical Left” is not solely responsible for illegal immigration and the “Right” using as a scare tactic just to win elections doesn’t help.

Well this has gotten al little long and there is so much more to write about I will continue with my next posting that will come out Saturday.


  1. Interesting. 50 years ago the Conservative mantra was, "Go out and get a job and stand on your own two feet. In today's terms it's, "Go out and get a job and beg for food and shelter."

  2. It's branding for the week mind. Critical thinkers don't blindly hook their wagon up to any old mule. That is how people are taken advantage of.
    Conversely, if you attack the brand that most aptly suits you, it is the equivalent to voting for the oposing view.
    Keep it up.


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