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Living in Florida for the last three years has been interesting. It is a beautiful place to live in some areas and depressing in others but that is not different than pretty much every state of the Union. There is so much wealth here that it is at times disgusting and there is so much poverty and homelessness that it is also disgusting. This seems to be a state of extremes. I feel safe were I am but everyday there seems to be a shooting or a hit and run in the news. At times I think that Florida can be a violent state, more than most. We had a Sherriff state that he would rather have people shoot home intruders. Yup, no trial by the person’s peers, just shoot them. They don’t seem to take their oath to protect the Constitution very seriously; in fact, I don’t think that they take the Constitution very seriously. The thing I fine funny is I have never seen more Churches than I have in Florida.

Our Governor is becoming famous for his declaring war on things. He has declared war on the Gay and the Trans community. He has declared war on Education and learning. He declares war on the Press and Free Speech. He declares war on Business that exercises their right to believe in diversity. That is what is happening with Disney. Disney believes in diversity and training their employees in diversity and DeSantis does not. Florida is supposed to be a business friendly state. I think that our Governor has proved that it is all talk. It may have been a business friendly state but it is not under DeSantis. DeSantis put what is probably the biggest business in the State of Florida between a rock and a hard place. No matter what stand Disney took they would be demonized. If they stayed silent the people that support Gays and Minorities would be angry and if they spoke out they would piss off the would be dictator of Florida, DeSantis.

Disney brings a huge amount of money into the State of Florida. Disney turned Florida from a place to escape winter to a year around vacation destination. The most famous thing about Florida is not Spring Break anymore. The most famous thing in Florida is Disney. The Disney brand is a huge brand not just in Florida or the United States. It is a huge brand around the world. It may just be the biggest tourist attraction in the entire world. The last time I was at Disney the diversity of the people visiting their Magic Kingdom was very apparent. You heard pretty much every language being spoken under the sun. You could say that diversity and inclusion was important to their business. Are all these people just visiting Disney or are they also visiting Universal and Sea World? Where are they staying? Where are they eating?  Hundreds if not thousands of businesses benefit from Disney and what they have created in Florida. Thousands and thousands of people are employed by those supporting businesses. Disney had a dream and the entire state of Florida is better off because of that dream.

Now if people want to complain about Disney’s employment record and the fact that there may be real age discrimination when it comes to employment there could be a lot of truth to that. Who wants to see a 70 year old Snow White? Yes, there really could be a lot of things wrong with Disney. They market their product to children and families and may have priced themselves out of the market for much of our poorer Americans. Many cannot afford the Disney Dream. DeSantis is not complaining about those things. He is complaining about the fact they have defended Gays and Minorities which is something that a person like DeSantis doesn’t like because it doesn’t play to his base. Hate is what plays to his base. DeSantis’s platform is all about eliminating the conversation of Gays, Discrimination and Racism from any discussion in our Public Schools. There is no understanding on diversity or inclusion in DeSantis’s platform. It is all about the color White. If you were ever at a Disney Park you would know that the crowd there is way more diverse than a Trump Rally that is for sure and the minorities are not being paid to be there like at a Trump Rally.

Can DeSantis really hurt Disney? Disney is about to release the sequel to the very successful Avatar movie. I believe the first movie took in over 2 billion dollars and is the highest grossing movie ever. Look at the movies that the Disney Studios have coming out and you know that most will be very successful. Disney is a cash cow not only for themselves but the State of Florida as well. I don’t think that there is much the DeSantis can do to make Disney lose money. I think they could close Disney World and still make money. He may be able to make is so they don’t make as much, but rest assured for the time being Disney will make money. Florida can lose a ton of money. For Disney World to stay fresh attracting new and repeat business they need to keep refreshing their attractions. New block buster movie equal new attractions. If people stop coming to Orlando in the numbers that they have who do you think will suffer most? How about all the supporting business that have sprung up because the success of Disney? How about the Restaurants and Motels in the surrounding area and communities? The people that they employee all earn a living because of the Disney Dream. How about the traffic on the toll roads that brings in money? If Florida goes through a nasty divorce with Disney it is the people of Florida that will suffer the most. Not just the Orlando area but the entire state.


  1. DeSantis just realized HE SCREWED UP again as Disney's contract states FL has to pay Disney's billion dollars BONDS before HE CAN TAKE AWAY Disney's Contract! He can't correct his mistake till 2023 and here's praying HE'S VOTED OUT November 2022


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