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This will be part two on the “Radical Left” and what is so scary about them. My last posting covered economics, healthcare, and immigration. Neither of those subjects seemed to show how the “Radical Left” would destroy America like Marjorie Taylor Greene says. Let’s continue the search for what is so terrible of the “Radical Left”.

Ok, let’s look at what the “Radical Left” wants to do about education. Both sides of the issue are more or less in favor of Public Education. In many cases I think that the right would like to expand things like school choice and the voucher system. The left would rather see more resources stay in the public sector of education. Every dollar that is taken away from our public schools just makes the job of those public schools that much harder. What I don’t like is our tax dollars subsidizing education as a private business where I have no oversight on how my tax dollars are being spent.  That almost sounds like a conservative point of view. One real big difference now is what is being taught and what some think shouldn’t be taught in the schools. One of the big conversations is the one on Critical Race Theory.  This has become a huge political issue on the right even though most don’t even know what it is. Critical Race Theory is not being taught to our K – 12 students. It is a made up issue that is meant to rile up the white masses. It is an issue meant to take advantage of many people’s bigotry. Teaching Black History is not teaching Critical Race Theory. It is a made up issue that is meant to divide the country and to pander for votes. It is also a lie that anyone wants to teach children Critical Race Theory. It is the lying from the right that is affecting education more than anything that the left is doing.

Next is abortion. This is a real big issue that to me should be a non-issue if you really believe in the principles of the Founding Fathers. The real big issue is really the separation of Church and State. Abortion is a religious issue period. The Government should stay out of that issue because it is a religious issue. When a fetus develops a soul is a discussion for the church and not the halls of Congress. Whether any of us has a soul or not is not a discussion for our government to decide and I for one do not want my government telling me what to believe. Mostly, I think the abortion issue is one of suppressing women and not the saving of children. If you wanted to save children you would not vote against childcare credits and early child care. If you really wanted to save children you would be making sure that their parents made a livable wage. Your battle would be against poverty not abortion. That is why I say it is mostly about suppressing women. Freedom is a word that every Republican screams but in reality it is just a hollow word that when you restrict women’s freedom. I am very tired of hearing about the rights of a child that hasn’t been born when we don’t do enough to protect the one that have been.

Gay rights another big issue. Here again it is mostly a religious issue that our government should not be strong armed by the church. Why should the government care about who marries who? If two men marry each other does it really affect me? If two women marry each other does that really affect me? The answers to both is of course is “no”. Does it really harm the moral fabric of our nation? I really don’t thinks so. In fact, I don’t spend my time obsessing about it at all. Why do you? How does it affect your life at all? The truth is that it doesn’t. This is just another issue that the right uses to divide and weaken our nation. I find it very tiring that people are trying to divide and weaken our nation on what should be non-issues that are intended to cause more hate. Do I understand what it is like to be gay? No I don’t but am I suppose to? Just because I don’t understand something does not make it wrong. When we have so much hate and evil in this world why should two people loving each other be turned into something evil? Instead of trying to condemn other people maybe we should be looking in the mirror trying to improve ourselves.

Of course one of the biggest is guns. The “Radical Left” is going to destroy the 2nd Amendment. I have written on guns before and I am sure I will write again on the subject. I have to ask, where are the words "personal protection” in the 2nd Amendment? Guess what folks. They are not there. “A well-regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a Free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.” The 2nd Amendment is the most twisted sentence in the entire Constitution. It was never intended to be used the way it is being used today. If you research the 2nd Amendment and past Supreme Court rulings you will see that. There has been always a racial side of the Second Amendment. Why was the Second Amendment put there in the first place when the Constitution established a Federal Army even during peacetime? During the Revolutionary War Militias proved not to be very effective. Why were the States so certain that they needed a well regulated Militia when they had been proven not effective? How about 1. Attacks from Native Americans and 2. Slave uprisings. James Madison, Patrick Henry, and George Mason were very responsible for the 2nd Amendment because they did not trust that the Federal Government would react properly in case of a slave revolt. Because of a slave uprising known as the Haitian Revolution in 1791 many feared that the same would happen here. Many felt that a militia, controlled by the State, was very important for the maintaining of slavery in the South. In much of the South during slavery they had a type of local militia called slave patrols which were meant to enforce the laws of slavery. These early local Militia, some feel, are the precursors to our current police force. That was the original purpose for the 2nd Amendment as I see it. I will probably write an entire posting on guns in the next couple of weeks.

Ok this one has gotten a little long and so I will continue it with my next post that will come out Tuesday. I still have not found anything where the “Radical Left” is doing that would destroy our Republic.



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