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You have the news and you then have Fox News. I don’t watch any cable news. Oh, if the Capitol is being stormed I will turn on MSNBC to watch or, if there is a mass shooting I may tune in to get the details but mostly I like to read my news. My browser/home page is set to the news so I just open it up and start scanning the headlines and start reading. The one news site that I never read is Fox News. People will tell me that I am wrong with that because to be informed I must know all sides of the story and I wonder what in the hell they are talking about. All I want is the truth and I just don’t trust Fox News to give me that, even what they write. If you write articles about Black Life Matters ripping people off of money like Fox News does and do not point out our former president, doing the same, I just don’t want to pay attention. In fact we should be expecting more from a former president and we should be expecting more truth from our news.

The news use to be that, the news. The local newspaper investigated and they reported the news. They printed it in the local rag and we read it to say informed on what is happening in our communities, our nation and in the world. There was a half hour of local news and a half hour of national news in the evening and then the local news at bedtime on TV. Most of the people that were really informed were the people that read their news. When I was a young man I use to get two papers. One was the Milwaukee Sentinel that was a morning paper and the other was the local Kenosha News that was the local rag that came out in the afternoon. News was always important to me and being informed was always important to me. There was a balance of news and political news. The purpose of the news was to keep the public informed. You always heard that the public has a right to know and I agree. Things that affect our lives on a daily basis we have the right to know. We have a right to know what our government is doing because they work for us. Those seven hours of missing data from Jan 6th is a huge problem because that data belongs to us. If you are hiding stuff from your employer that is a problem and we are the employer. Our watch dog of the government has always been the press that is why the freedom of the press is a constitutional right. If they are not doing their job properly we have a problem.

A political party should not have a news network but I feel that is what has happened with Fox News. People will say that they are conservative news and I will say what in the hell is conservative news. I want the news period. I look at the headlines an Fox News and it seems that most of them are blasting Democrats and praising Republican. I know that people call CNN and MSNBC liberal news but there is a difference. I always feel you get more balanced reporting from the other Networks than from FOX. The truth, in my opinion, has had a liberal slant ever since Edward R Murrow. This is not the first time that conservatives had tried to control our government. He stood up to McCarthy and the Communist scare of the 50s that destroyed many lives. The news job is to stand up to the lies that are being spread for political gain. The News Network’s jobs were to stand up to the lies and the corruption that was spread by the Trump people just like Murrow did to McCarthy. Many of our News personalities failed to do their job in my opinion.

 I will say that none of the networks have done a good enough of a job reporting on the corruption of all the money flowing into Washington and the pockets of our politicians from both parties. They talk about the dark money with both the Republicans and Democrats pointing their fingers at the other. I am pretty sure dark money flows to people in both parties but we need to know who. 15 years ago a politician would never have favored Putin over the President of his own country no matter what difference that they had because they always had the same common goal. The preservation of our Democracy. In my opinion that is not true today. Politicians like Matt Gaetz, Marjorie Taylor Greene, Ted Cruz, Josh Hawley and others that condone violence as a political tool are not people that are embracing our political process. These are some of the talking heads on the conservative news stations like Fox News. People that in my opinion want to see our democracy end and have it replaced by an authoritarian form of government similar to what Russia has. They do not want us to have a government of the people. They want to have a government that is ruled by money. You have an entire News Network not reporting that and that Network is Fox News. As more Billionaires buy our News Outlets and Information outlets I fear that the problem will only get worse.

When you look at a Cable news network and know that our country would be less divided and better informed if they did not exist our country has a real problem. I don’t like censorship but I feel that too many Republicans want to censor the truth. The lying and misinformation by Fox News is meant to play to a group of people that do not embrace our democratic process and in my opinion put Rosa Parks in the back of the bus again. We would not have civil rights without the news accurately reporting the news at the bloody bridge outside of Selma. Now if you would talk about the bloody bridge there would be uninformed people claiming that you were teaching Critical Race Theory. Why? Because the conservative News and the Republican Party has misrepresented what Critical Race Theory is. Why because lying to their base satisfies viewership for Fox and votes for Republicans. The truth would not do that for them.

I have posted many times that the lying and misinformation from Fox News and the Republican Party weakens our democracy and our nation. It is meant to. Divide and conquer and been a theory centuries old. Abraham Lincoln knew that and so did Jefferson Davis. One wanted our nation to survive and the other didn’t. You can guess which one didn’t. The one that wanted to divide.


  1. Well said. I totally agree with you.

  2. How do they claim to be "conservative?" Treasonous, seditious, predatory, yes.


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