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I swear I was just writing about this. Guns, what do we do about guns? Is easy access to guns a problem? I would say, yes. Is it the only problem I would say no? I am pretty emotional today as I write this. 19 children dead, two adults dead, shot in an Elementary School in Uvalde, Texas. Sometimes it just makes me want to scream. Do not tell me that guns do not kill people, that people kill people. People with guns kill people. Do not tell me we can’t go around banning things that would kill people because you can just as easily kill a person with a knife. That argument is not going to fly today. 19 children are dead because of the gun culture that is part of America. This is coming from a gun holder but just because I own guns does not mean that I believe in the wild wild west approach to guns we have today. Guns are not making us safer. The open carry laws are not making us safer. The conceal and carry laws are not making us safer. Until we deal with the ease of obtaining a gun we will continue to see our children murdered whether it is on the streets on Chicago or the Schools in Texas.

In November I wrote a 3 part look at the 2nd amendment and came to the conclusion that it was the most twisted sentence in the entire Constitution. It was never intended to be used as it is being used today. If I can research that and come to that conclusion I am pretty sure the Supreme Court could as well.  Why didn’t they? There is nothing in the 2nd amendment about personal protection but yet after over 200 years of its writing the public was suddenly led to believe that is why it is in the Constitution. Why?  Could it be that money and politics had corrupted our Supreme Court? We know that money has corrupted our Federal Government. We know that we need to get the money out of Washington but the problem is the people getting the money are the only people that can fix it. Do you really think that they want to get rid of that cash cow? Do you really think the people like Ted Cruz cares about children getting murdered as long as he gets his cut. The State of Texas had a major power failure and people were dying. What did Ted Cruz do? He flew to Cancun of course. Out of state people came running to help which is what we should do but dear Ted could not be bothered. These are the people that are getting elected to Congress and these are the people who that are responsible for our children dying. People that really don’t care about “We the People”.

One of the main purposes of the 2nd amendment was so the states could put down a slave revolt. I have written on this before. Check out this post I Could Be Wrong. ( The thing I never understood here is Blacks also have a right to rebel against the tyranny around them. Is this only a white amendment? I have seen hundred of post complaining about the Black Lives Matter protest. Don’t they have the right to rebel again a system and government that is suppressing and discriminating against them? Where are the calls for Blacks to be able to take up arms in self defense of a tyrannical government and system? I only hear White people talking about their “right to bear arms”. Are Black people supposed to have the same rights as everyone else? When the Black Panthers formed they were declared by the FBI as a Communist Party and an enemy of the American People. No one said there were good people on both sides like Trump did in the wake of Charlotte. Why the various White Supremists groups are not declared fascist and the enemy of the people? Why do we tiptoe around these people that would destroy our democracy?

I have read that the shooter was bullied in school. That does not surprise me with all the bullying that we see all the time. He had a stuttering problem that he was mocked for. That does not surprise me either. We had a President mock a journalist because of his handicap and people thought that was funny. Robbing a person of their dignity is not protected speech and should not be tolerated by society but in too many cases it is. Many politicians will blame mental health and I am pretty sure that most shooters have mental health issues. That is just a convenient statement so they don’t have to do anything. How do you diagnose a person with mental health issues? Is that now the duty of the guy that sold him the gun and all the ammo? Is he the one responsible? Of course not, so let’s get this guns and metal heath crap out of here and go after the real problems and come up with real solutions to figure how we can get the guns out of the hands of people that shouldn’t have them.  

People running around with guns are not going to make us safer. Conceal and carry or open carry, none of it makes us safer. More guns will just mean more death. I am a gun owner and I do believe that I have the right to defend my home. I don’t run around in public trying to intimidate people. The problem we have now is that we don’t know who the good guys are or who the bad guys are. One bad decision with a gun can turn a good guy into a bad guy. I would never want to be a policeman today with all the guns on the streets.

Our children are dying and Marc Rubio’s, Ted Cruz’s or Gregg Abbotts’ thoughts a prayers are not going to solve it. We need real solution from people not being bought by the NRA or the gun companies.


Mass Shootings in the US: See 37 Years in One Chart | Time

Black Panthers - History, Definition & Timeline - HISTORY


  1. Guns: Don’t Legislate. Eradicate.

  2. Another good blog. You say what I want to say but I let the emotion overwhelm me when I try to say the words. Thank you, Marty


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