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It is always interesting where I get the things to write about. Yesterday on Twitter I complained about Florida banning math books because of the Critical Race Theory. Some guy posted a reply of a screenshot of a mathematical test that measured how much of a racist you are proving that CRT is taught in our schools. This test appeared to be an online test but I could be wrong. In the text of the picture it did state that over 2 million people have taken the online test. Of course, I know that what is online is not a text book.  He gave me a screen shot of adding and subtracting polynomials. One of the mathematical formulas the screen shot he gave me was S = 0.3x3 – 2.8x2 + 6.7x + 30. This is way beyond the math that of an elementary student or a middle school student. When I Google it appeared to me to be College Algebra. In my opinion if an elementary school kid is smart enough at math to solve a problem like this one he or she should be learning a lot about all kinds of theories. I have a link to Polynomial Mathematics just so you can check it out and you can tell me if it is something that elementary students are being taught.

My mother was a school teacher and so was my wife. I have been around people in education pretty much all my life. My wife has her undergrad, her Teaching Certification in Elementary Education, Masters Degree in Education, and her Doctorate in Education. With all that education and continuing education that she had to do as a teacher did she ever study Critical Race Theory? Well, I asked her that question and the answer was of course no. She has worked in elementary schools in two different states, Wisconsin and Florida with the last being Florida. I asked her, is race was even discussed in the classroom and she said no “they didn’t have the time for anything like that”. Teachers have too much that needs to be accomplished to have philosophical discussions on race. Why is DeSantis lying about this? Could it be for votes? Could it be that he wants to be in the paper not only in Florida but also places like Wisconsin and Iowa? Could it be that like Trump, he will throw good teachers under the bus so he can be elected to a higher office?

Unlike Critical Race Theory, race is a subject that should be taught to every student. Race is part of our history and that can’t be erased in today’s digital age. You just can’t ban the subject of race in today’s digital age. Our libraries are open worldwide 24 hours a day. I suppose our government could try and suppress the internet like China or Russia. Is that what some people want? More suppression? The world would still know the truth. Our history is part of World History and it would be a shame if the World knew our history better than we do. I some cases they probably already do. When I was in school I was never taught about Black Wall Street or Rosewood. I was never taught about the Triangular Trade. These are all part of history that we should be taught and, if you don’t know about them you should Google them when you get a chance. These are not theories. These things really happened and hiding them does not change the truth. Here is that word again the Truth. Not enough of us search for the truth.

In Germany, the teaching and learning of the holocaust is mandatory. The world should never forget what was done by the Nazi’s in Germany. 6 million Jews and minorities killed because of a thought of a pure race. That race just happened to be white by the way. I don’t hear the world crying that Germany is teaching Critical Race Theory. The world has to learn from the German sins. Has there ever been genocide committed on the Black African population? 12.5 million Slaves were captured and shipped to the America’s. Of those it is estimated that 15% died just during the middle passage, the trip from Africa to the America’s. That is close to 2 million people. That does not count the people that died while pursuing and capturing the slaves. It has been estimated that 4 million died before making it to the shores of America. This is not even talking about the short life expectancy that many had when they got to America. I have read that half the slaves died within their first year of slavery. Some could consider that genocide and these facts should be taught in our schools. This is not Critical Race Theory. These things really happened. Real things that happened that are not being taught in our schools. How do we learn how to change the future when we don’t know what happened in the past?

We have politicians going after anyone that mentions race. In Florida Diversity Training is like swear words. Training on how to live with someone that is not like you is taboo. That is what Diversity Training is. When Joseph McCarthy was going after everyone with the Communist Scare it was the News Media that finally stood up to him especially Edward R. Murrow. Too much of today’s news media is too busy spreading the lies of Critical Race Theory just for ratings than to stand up to the bullies that are weakening our democracy and our nation.

Teaching about race is not teaching Critical Race Theory it is teaching the truth about America. We cannot change the past by hiding it away. We must learn from it so it is not repeated in the future. This even isn’t mentioning what happened to the Native Americans because of White Expansion. That can be in another discussion but that too should be discussed.


Addition and Subtraction of Polynomials: Steps, Rules, Examples (

Middle Passage - Wikipedia




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