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Saw a headline that there is a racist subculture in America. Well, as Gomer Pyle would say “Surprise, Surprise, Surprise”. You do not have to be a mental giant to be able to figure that out. My worst read blogs are the ones I write about racism. Sometimes I feel that too much of the White population feel that racism is just a Black problem. We live in our lily white neighborhoods and racism is not part of our everyday lives. Race is also a topic that I write about a lot, even though like most people it is a difficult subject to right about or discuss because we really do not understand the black experience.

Women peacefully marched all over this country in protest of the Supreme Court and abortion. Social media had tons of postings and pictures on it which is fine. Women should be upset and they have every right to protest. Part of me wants to be marching right there with them. There was one lady that made a comment to one of my posting about how there was no looting and burning with the Women’s march like there were with the Black Lives Matter protesters. Now this woman didn’t feel that comment was racist at all. I disagree. The conversation is about women marching for their rights and then she turned conversation around to the Black Lives Protesters and the violence. That comment was meant to point out the evils of the Black Life Protesters. I of course pointed out about how our Capitol was attacked but she said that was different. Of course she would say that was different. That was done by mostly White people trying to overthrow our government. They would rather believe a lie than let a peaceful transfer of power occur. They were not black people screaming for justice. Yes, that ladies comment was racist and was meant to be. Racist do not like to be called a racist. They will tell you that they have lots of black friends. They talk to black people every day at work so they will say “you see I am not a racist”.

I have done a little reading on the protests. In fact, that is the only way I get my news, I read it.  The number of Black Lives Matter protest was for the most part very peaceful. There were a number of them were I live and there was no violence involved at all. Of the Black Lives Matter protest 96.3% of the events involved no property damage or police injuries and 97.7% of events, no injuries were reported among participants, bystanders or police. So why were some of them violent? I think some of it was the attitude of the police and the cities involved. I saw a video of an older White male stand in front of a police officer supporting the Black Lives Matter movement in Buffalo, NY and that police officer push the man down and the man was injured. The man did not threaten the police officer in any way. The arbitrator ruled the Police were justified of course just like we have grown accustomed to them justifying police brutality. The Police Union stated that law and politics don’t mix. So, I guess Black Lives Matter is just politics. My take on it is, of course, a little bit different. Too many times the police are just looking to fight anyone that challenged their authority. They are in their body armor and ready. Most of the times when you are looking for a fight you are going to find one. I hate to keep on saying this but we fought a revolution against that type of authority. I also have read that there were groups like the “boogaloo” also took advantage of the protests to attack the police. The Police Officer in Oakland was killed by a member of boogaloo group and not a Black Lives matter protesters.  White Supremists also took advantage to the situation as did their White Militias. Again I say people looking for a fight are going to find one. The White Supremists marchers in Charlotte were looking for a fight. There are many good police officers out there for which I am thankful for. I owe my life to a good police officer but I know there are bad police officers too and they will wind up hurting people.

Some will say that people don’t even know how racist they are. I disagree. They know but they don’t want you to know. Talking to black people does not mean that you are not a racist it just means that you talk to black people. If deep down inside you feel that you are superior to anyone one race you are in fact a racist. When you say that they are trying to replace us you are a racist. No one is trying to replace you. You are just trying to exercise that fact that you think that you are superior to another human being. Mitch McConnell saying that there is no racism because we elected a Black President is just throwing up a smoke screen to the racism that is all around him.

I know that this will not be well read because the discussion on racism is very uncomfortable for all of us including me. Nobody likes to be reminded that they are a racist. Nobody likes to be called a racist. Even though we don’t like it we have to indentify the things around us that are racist. Voter suppression is racist. It has been since the Civil War and probably before that. Gerrymandering is just another form of voter suppression so that is also can be racist, like here in Florida. If I have to wait an hour in line to vote and a black person has to wait 8 hrs that is racism. You cannot proclaim that you are not a racist and continue to justify the racism that is all around you.


Black Lives Matter Protesters Were Overwhelmingly Peaceful, Our Research Finds | Radcliffe Institute for Advanced Study at Harvard University

Buffalo Police officers who pushed 75-year-old during Black Lives Matter protest cleared of wrongdoing - CNN



  1. Great sincere talk David! BEST question in article is: if you think you are superior to ANYONE you are racist!
    I am above NO ONE (see all mankind as family )
    Below ANYONE (being humble when necessary)
    Equal to EVERYONE (justice for all & no bullying)
    For I am SOMEONE! (Willing to help others) written/Joy Olinger, 1965


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