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The Supreme Court is the watch dog of the Constitution, the third part of the checks and balances that the founding fathers thought was needed so no branch of the government was too powerful. Their job is to protect the Constitution. They are not to write legislation, their job is to make sure that the legislation written does not violate the Constitution. Their job is not to make policy but to make sure that policy adheres to the Constitution. Their job is to make sure that the other two sides are being honest to the Constitution. Their job is to protect the rights of all Americans. So what happens when the Supreme Court is not honest? What happens when the Integrity of the Supreme Court is being questioned? That is what is happening today and much of the whole world is witnessing it.

There is now a leaked memo from the Supreme Court that states that the Supreme Court is poised to strike down Roe v. Wade which has been the law of the land for 50 years. During the confirmation hearings the three Supreme Court Justices that were nominated by the Trump Administration Roe v. Wade was discussed and they stated that it their position was, it was the law of the land. Now there is a memo that was leaked saying they are going to overturn Roe v. Wade. My last blog asked a question of when is it perjury? Did you have to be under oath to commit perjury? When those Supreme Court nominees testify in Congress during the confirmation hearings they are under oath. I now believe that the very people whose job is to protect the Constitution and the law of the land lied under oath to Congress and the American people. What can you do when the people on the court are not people of integrity? I imagine they could be impeached like a President but will they actually be removed from office? There have been four impeachment attempts of Presidents and none have them have been successful so I doubt that any attempt to impeach a Supreme Court Justice would be any different as long as Congress plays party politics and does not worry about integrity. Could they be arrested for lying under oath? I doubt it. Who judges the Judges?   

Three Supreme Court Justices were nominated by a President that didn’t know the truth if it bit him. I believe that Trump has lived a lie for so long he does not know what the truth is. The truth is just something that he doesn’t bother with because it doesn’t get him what he wants. Now, if Trump does not believe in the truth then how can we expect the people he nominated to be truthful? If they were really honest individuals they would not have been part of Trump’s plan because the truth was never part of Trump’s plan. If Amy Barrett had been a real person of integrity she would have said that if it wasn’t appropriate for Obama to appoint a Supreme Court Justice during an election year it wasn’t appropriate for Trump to appoint one during an election year. There is that word integrity. Amy Barrett showed that she had no integrity just like Mitch McConnell showed that he had no integrity. People with no integrity are not going to hold up the integrity of the Constitution. Senators like Susan Collins are now questioning whether they have been lied to. Where has she been the last over five years. The truth is the farthest thing from the halls of Congress.

Ginni Thomas the wife of Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas was one of the biggest cheerleaders of the “big lie” that lead to the insurrection. Yup, the wife of a Supreme Court Justice tried to undermine our electoral process. Someone has to explain to me how we can expect anything impartial from Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas. It really throws up red flags on his entire time on the Supreme Court. Supreme Court Judges, I would think would have to be politically neutral. In fact to have a fair Judicial System I would think that all Judges would have to be politically neutral. This does not appear to be the case especially in the case of Clarence Thomas. I don’t know the names of any other Supreme Court Justice wives, not a one, but almost everyone knows the name of Clarence Thomas’ wife. Who is really writing Clarence Thomas’s opinions? Him or his wife? If I was a betting man I would bet his wife. What are a Supreme Court Justice and his wife doing having a private lunch at the White House? It looks fishy and it looks corrupt. He does not give the appearance of an objective observer. He was the only dissenting vote on Trump turning over his documents to the Jan. 6th committee. Why? Could it be that his wife was part of those documents? You bet she was part of them and we had a Supreme Court Justice just try and hide that from the American people.

Just because a President is a so called conservative does not mean they can’t appoint a fair and impartial person to the Bench. Ronald Reagan appointed Sandra Day O’Connor. She was probably one of the fairest minded Judges ever appointed to the court in my opinion and she did her country and the person that appointed her proud. It can be done but it can only be done by people that love America. I have never thought that Ronald Reagan never loved America. I question whether some of today’s Republicans love America. I am pretty sure that Moscow Mitch doesn’t. I know that Trump doesn’t. Too many put party before country. Too many want that Russian money that is flowing into Washington in my opinion. We need people that love Freedom, real Freedom not this hollow stuff in Texas and Florida. Freedom is just a hollow word that is used way too much to hide the truth.

I was reading an article that stated that we were not in the top 50 countries when it came to freedom. I knew that we were not in the top ten or even the top fifteen but I found it hard to swallow that we were not in the top 50. I did find an article from US News that rates us at 23. 23 is not very good for the country that prides itself on our freedom. Just look at the freedoms that are under attack. Free Speech is under attack. Just look at the State of Florida. You can’t say free speech is important when you have “can’t say gay” bills and then punish a business when it speaks out against it. And what about banning books and the restraints that are being put on education. When you literally try to hide history you are hiding truth and there is no freedom in that. Then you have all the voter suppression and gerrymandering. If you restrict or diminish and people vote that is not part of a free country. Look at women’s freedom. This is not an abortion issue; this is an issue whether the government has the right to suppress women. Women are being turned into second class citizens again. More freedom will come under attack and we will slide farther down that list.

The people of the Supreme Court that were supposed to protect our freedom are now just a tool of our oppressor.



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