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 Socialism. Why is the thought of Socialism so scary to some people? Oh I know. Some people think the Socialism is Communism. Why? Is it because they know that people won’t bother to know the difference between the two? Can Socialism be Communism? I suppose, but not how Socialism is applied today. All of us living in a commune sharing the fruits of our labor equally is not going to happen. That is what Communism or Marxism was supposed to be but you know what happens when some people get power. They just want more. Communism is just another version of Fascism, just that more people get suppressed. How will Universal Healthcare lead us to Communism?  Beats the hell out of me but it sure seems to scare people and that leads to votes.

On one of my posting, on one of the social platforms I belong to a person stated with all the confidence of the world that zero socialist nations have been successful. I wonder where he got his facts or even if he had done any research in the area. I would agree that true Communism has not been very successful but Socialism? I don’t know because how you view Socialism seems to be different from one person to another. I don’t know what you call China? Communism? Socialistic? I don’t know but they do seem to be pretty successful and getting more powerful militarily and economically all the time. Vietnam too. They seemed to have fared pretty well when the Communist took over. Neither of those countries are not what I would call Communist like the Soviet Union was. They are more like a hybrid system that has merged Communism and Capitalism into some type of political system and economic system that I don’t understand totally but appears to be successful for now.

Most of the time what people are screaming about are the social programs that much of the industrialized world already have. Universal Healthcare. England has had their National Health Service since 1946. That is over 75 years. Do you consider England a Communistic country? Do you consider England a Socialistic country? Sweden has had Universal Healthcare since 1955. Do you consider Sweden a Communistic Country? Do you consider Sweden a Socialistic Country? Canada has had Universal Healthcare since 1966. They are our biggest trading partner and by no means are they a threat to our way of life. I have posted a link to the countries that have Universal Healthcare and most are not a threat to our way of life. The one country that is not on the list is Russia. Russia has what is known as OMC but the people on it do not receive coverage for the majority of vital treatments and everyone has to pay in full for the provided medical services. Just think of all the good programs that the Americans are missing out of that our friends and allies have like maternity leave, early childcare.

When you start talking about paying people what they are really worth, people seem to go into a panic like they are seeing Marx or Lenin reincarnated. Everyone should have been paid a livable wage all along and this should not be such a radical concept. Do you know why we have poverty? We have poverty because our system creates it. We have poverty because we do not value people and what they contribute enough. We have poverty because some people feel that they are superior to other people. Would Socialism end poverty? I doubt it. Would good social programs help relieve the hardships of poverty. Probably a lot. Would livable wages and more social programs improve the living conditions of people and improve the family structure? Probably more that school prayer. When people were hungry Jesus didn’t say let us pray? According to the Bible he performed a miracle and fed them. When someone was sick did Jesus say, let us pray? No, he healed them. Jesus did not give is thoughts and prayers. He gave us a way to treat our fellow man and we all are failing. You don’t have to believe that he is the Son of God to know that he gave us a powerful message. Thoughts and prayers are just an excuse to do nothing. Saying we need prayer in school is just an excuse to do nothing. We are good at doing nothing in America. We have the means to improve and save many lives but we don’t. We have the means to make children’s lives better but we don’t.

There was once a posting on Twitter that encouraged everyone to support small businesses. I commented to that person how it would help small businesses if we had Universal Healthcare. The answer back was we can’t afford that. If small business didn’t have to worry about healthcare many businesses could be more competitive with the “big guy’, but we really don’t want small businesses to flourish. We just want to talk about it.

I have asked this before, Google the freest countries in the World.  We are not even in the top 10. The freest ones all have more socialism than we do. Socialism should not be the dirty word that the “Right” has made it out to be. It should not be a word used to scare people to gain votes. We should be working at the betterment of the entire country.

Countries With Universal Health Care - WorldAtlas

10 Facts About Healthcare in the Russian Federation - The Borgen Project

The World's 10 Most Free Countries - WorldAtlas


  1. I am almost at 180 degrees to you on your views. I was pretty liberal until about 2006. But democrats do not represent anything resembling liberalism anymore. It's just about abortion, sodomy, drug use, gender confusion, and dependency.


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