Most of us when we talk about our country and its form of government we refer to it as a democracy. A few times but not many there will be someone that says that we are not a Democracy we are a Republic. This is from the English Dictionary. Republic: “A state in which supreme power is held by the people and their elected representative” Democracy: “A system of government by the whole population or all eligible members of a State, typically through elected representatives”. I don’t think that it is a sin to call us a Democracy if you want. They correct you when you say that and say you are wrong to try and make you look stupid and they are so much smarter than you. Well they aren’t. They are just jerks that want to insult people with their small minds. Most of the time they claim they are Conservatives but what I really think they are, people that do not really believe in the vision that is supposed to be America. They throw around words like freedom while suppressing others. That is what is wrong with America now too many people no longer think about freedom and the vision that was America. They just think about power and in a real free America it does not give them power.
Now, there has been a saying throughout history that we always hear. “The Truth Will Set You Free”. We have a hearing going on now on the investigation of the January 6th attack on our Capitol. Every witness that speaks swore in whether they are live or taped to tell the truth. Most of the testimony is from the Trump team. I believe what we are seeing at the hearings is the truth for the most part. What I find interesting is the fact that so many people still believe the lies. At times like this throughout history the crazy conspiracy theorists come out of the woodwork and give wild theories about what we are hearing and seeing. With today’s social media who needs the tabloids to spread this stuff to the crazies. I have read now that Bill Barr was talking in code and saying exactly what Donald Trump wanted him to say. I have read that the recorded testimony of Ivanka’s was fake, just a computerized image. Just like with the space lasers causing the wild fires our conspiracy theorists will say just about anything to distort and hide the truth. The birther movement was just a lie to hurt the Obama Admistration. The World Trade Center was an inside job. That one was made up to make America look bad. The one about Sandy Hook being a false flag was beyond cruel. I used to think that most of the conspiracy stuff was harmless and funny, Elvis lives or Area 51. The problem with today our conspiracy theorists I believe are meant to harm and weaken our nation. They are meant to help divide our nation worse than it is already divided. When we were doing a boat delivery, when I was younger, members of the crew would show up with a National Inquirer and we all would have a good laugh at the ridicules stories and theories but is was just all in good fun. Today’s conspiracy theories are not laughable and they are not in good fun. They are meant to harm people and our nation.
Lying always harms our nation. I grew up during the Vietnam War. I enlisted during that war with the hope of serving my country. They turned me down because of my health but I wanted to go and was ready to go. As I have gotten older I have realized how much the Government has lied to us. From Vietnam to Afghanistan to Iraq, too many lies have been told. Because of the distrust of our government many of the conspiracy theories are born. Both the Government lying and the conspiracy theories do harm to the truth and the American people. All the lies do is harm us, they never protect us. Biden is not responsible for worldwide inflation and the lying just makes it harder to solve. Biden in not responsible for the price of gas and all the lying just makes it harder to solve. This all would have happened is Trump was President too. All the conspiracy theories out there just makes it harder to search for the truth.
Today I was called a partisan hack. That is fine. The person calling me that wouldn’t know what bipartisan is. Not one of the Trump supporters would know what a bipartisan person looks like because their attitude is either my way or the highway. When you are believers in lasers from space or that John Kennedy Jr. is alive and going to be Trump’s next running mate just shows how easily some of the American public can be lead to believe anything.
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