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Dereliction of duty is that what Trump did on January 6th? I would say that is an understatement. He took an oath to protect and defend the Constitution of the United States. This was not the constitution of Trump. This was the oath that every President from the formation of our Country has taken so it is not just any oath. It is the same oath that George Washington and Abraham Lincoln have taken. The oath is a simple statement but says a lot. “I do solemnly swear that I will execute the Office of the President of the United States, and will to the best of my ability preserve and defend the Constitution of the United States.” The phrase “So help me God” is not in the oath but most Presidents have added it since good old George. On January 6th not only was our Capitol attacked but also our Constitution, a document that President Trump had taken an oath to protect. Trump failed and when a President fails he fails not only himself but he fails the entire Country. Trump sat for 3 hours and did nothing but watch it unfold on TV. Why? I think that he was hoping that it would be successful. They were screaming “Hang Mike Pence”. I think that Trump really wanted that to happen. He felt that the Vice President betrayed him by doing his Constitutional duty. The world was watching and there can be nothing that can be done that will stop history from writing about it as it really is. It was an attempt to destroy the Constitution of this great county.

The very first blog that I wrote was about Colin Kaepernick taking a knee during the playing of our National Anthem. I didn’t like that fact that he did that because I always rise and I always sing our Anthem. What I didn’t like even more than Kaepernick taking a knee was the way he was condemned by the very people that should have been defending his right to do it. That’s right.  All those people that swore an oath to defend and protect our Constitution. You see, Kaepernick had a “Constitutional Right” to do what he did and the very people like Trump and Pence who took that oath were condemning his actions. They should have been defending them if they had really believed in the oath that they took. I didn’t say that they had to like what Kaepernick did but they should have been defending it. I knew back then that far too many of our “Public Servants” their Oath of Office was just words that they spoke because they did not believe in those words.  During the 7/21 on January 6th hearing Matthew Pottinger talked about the importance of the oath that he took as a Marine Officer. I hope that he is not just the exception but the rule but I am beginning to have my doubts.

The Republican Party has taken the stand that these hearings are just a partisan hack job. The funny thing is that almost every one of the witnesses has been from law enforcement or from Republicans that were on Trumps staff. That does not give the appearance to be to being a partisan hack job. If anything this is a very important job that has to be done to help preserve our democracy. It has disappointed me that more Republicans are not looking for the truth and for solutions so this can never happen again. I am disappointed that our Constitution and the oath that many of these members of the Republican Party has no real meaning to them. It is like they have sworn an oath to Trump and the hell with our Constitution. Knowing this how can I ever vote for a Republican? Party before Country should never happen. Trump before Country most definitely should never happen. Many Republicans had a chance to step up to the plate to help our Country and instead most took the coward’s way out. They ran away from their oath and their responsibility to the Constitution as fast as Josh Hawley ran on January 6th.

Too many Republicans are still not taking their “Oath of Office” seriously. Our Capital and our Constitution was attacked on January 6th 2021. To say otherwise is just a lie. During the hearing the House Republican Conference let by Rep. Elise Stefanik from New York took to social media to attack the credibility of Sarah Matthews who faithfully supported President Trump until he crossed the line and made war on our Constitution. Sarah Matthews was asked to tell the truth and she did to the best of her ability. All she wanted to do was serve her Country and in the end her President let the Country down and she knew it. To be attacked on Social Media by the Republicans in Congress is just plain wrong and cowardly. If Elise Stefanik wants to shoot her mouth off or any other Republican they should step up to the plate and testify under oath. Same with Jim Jordan and all the rest. Stop being cowards and let’s fix this Country. It won’t be fixed with Twitter or Facebook. It can only be fixed with the truth. It can only be fixed by people that love America more than Trump and a political party. It can only be fixed by people believing in the Oath of Office that they have taken. Since the hearing Trump has taken to attacking anyone that he considers disloyal. There lies the problem. Trump wanted people to be loyal to him and not to the Country or the Constitution and the oaths they took. When he uttered that oath he just mouthed the world. The words had no real meaning to him.

On January 6th 2021 our Capitol and our Constitution were attacked by domestic terrorist that were sent by the outgoing President of the United States Donald Trump. Their intention was to put a non-elected person in the White House virtually destroying our Constitution. They were supported by too many Republicans that wanted to destroy our democracy. We must treat every election as a referendum for Democracy and our Constitution against the Fascism and bigotry that has overtaken much of the Republican Party. Patriots did not attack our Capitol, terrorists did. To support the terrorist and their leader is a violation of the oath to protect and defend the Constitution.


Presidential oath of office: Read the full text and learn the history for Biden inauguration - ABC13 Houston

House Republicans delete tweet attack on Jan. 6 committee witness Sarah Matthews | Washington Examiner




  1. Once again you have mastered the pen thank you


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