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God works in mysterious ways. I have heard that many times in my lifetime. What in the hell does that really mean? To me it just sound likes a person trying to put a positive religious spin on something bad. A child gets raped and someone will say that the child is a gift from God. Really? Children having children is not what I would call a gift from God. I remember when my father died and people would tell me that it is all part of God’s plan or he is gone to a better place like those things were suppose to make me feel better. As I look back now those words didn’t help comfort me one bit. If God had a plan it should have not been taking away a father and husband from his wife and five children. How can cancer be a part of anybody’s plan let alone God’s.

Our Government is not based on Religious principles. I have been told that the Ten Commandments were the model that was used to formulate our laws. The First Commandment is the one that says. “ I am the Lord your God, who brought you out of Egypt, out of the house of bondage. You shall have not other gods before me.” Today we seem to worship many things and most have nothing to do with God. Money, power, and pleasure to just name a few. In fact, I think many politicians hide behind the Bible and the words of God to obtain the things they really worship, money, power and pleasure. Politicians will use the Bible to win elections while what they really are after is the money, power and pleasure. You have Evangelical Ministers living like kings in huge palaces while exploiting the Bible. To me it looks like their real God is money and pleasure. So that is the very First Commandment that our government is supposed to be based on. Someone will have to explain to me how that fits into our Government.

The Second Commandment is “You shall not take the name of the Lord your God in vain.” All I know that if this was part of our laws we would have to build a lot more jails. In fact the First Amendment is in complete conflict with the 2nd Commandment and lucky for us because most of us would be in real trouble.

The Third Commandment is “Remember the Sabbath day , to keep it holy. Six days you shall labor, and do all your work; but the seventh day is a Sabbath to the Lord your God; in it you shall not do any work.” Man,  most of us are in trouble. Most of our corporations too. Our world does not stop on any day. Just look around you. Most retail businesses are open every Sunday. Many businesses are open on religious holidays. I remember as a kid when most businesses would close from noon to three in observance of Good Friday. When was the last time you saw that. I bet a few of you don’t even remember when that happened. Also the golf course is not a church. In fact, as many times the Lord’s name is used in vain after a bad shot it most definitely will never qualify. The baseball park is not what God meant to do on Sundays. Pro football? Hey Cowboy stadium or Lambeau Field does not qualify a temple to God.

Now those are the just the first three Commandments and not a single one applies to the Constitution of our great country. You will find that most of the commandments do not transfer over to our laws. When you have people like Lauren Boebert say that they are tired of the Separation on Church and State they are saying more than just that. They are saying that they no longer believe in our Constitution and the form of government laid out by our Constitution, a document that they took an oath to defend and protect. Because they lied when they took the oath they actually are violating the 8th Commandment about bearing false witness. People like Lauren Boebert that say that they do not believe in the separation of church and state really do not believe in either, the Church or the State. It comes back to money , power, and pleasure.

No religious state is a state of freedom. Not real freedom. If anything religion and freedom are strangers. Religion creates divisions with society that democracies don’t. Look at all the religions of the world. The fastest growing is not Christianity it is Islam. Why? Well that may be the subject for another blog but it is worth investigating. We talk about the Taliban and the restrictions that are put on women. Are we any better. If we keep going down the road we are going, no, we will not be. More people have died in the name of religion than any other cause. They all scream that God is on their side when I am pretty sure that God isn’t on any of their sides at all. I just can’t believe that a higher being would condone all the death and destruction that has been done in his name.

I have written more than once that the Church has turned their backs on the words of Jesus. Jesus did not read from the Old Testament. He spoke from the heart. He never talked about abortion even though it has been happening as long as women have been getting pregnant but he did talk about not making Children suffer. Today all the Evangelicals want to do is talk about abortion and forget about the child. Jesus taught us about turning the other cheek and today we have people running around with pistols and AR15s trying to intimidate other people. Jesus and his family had to seek asylum in Egypt but we deny asylum because of the color of a person’s skin. Jesus walked around like a homeless person preaching to the masses and he never demonized the poor. He never lived in a great mansion like many Evangelical priests do.  Jesus even said to give to Rome what is Rome’s and to God what is God’s. Man that almost sounds like separation of Church and State. You don’t have to be a Christian to know the power of the words of Jesus. You don’t even have to think that he is the son of God to know his message is a powerful one. His words were so powerful that it started a whole new religion that has lost its way.  I think of his message every day and I am not considered or pretend to be a religious man.


Ten Commandments in Catholic theology - Wikipedia


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