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 I saw a headline today that John Voight was calling for the impeachment of Biden, claiming that Biden had “wronged this nation’s glory”. First, I will want to ask, What part of this nation’s glory has he wronged? Did he lead an insurrection trying to destroy our Constitution? Did he try to strong arm the President of another nation in an effort to get dirt on a political opponent? Did he lie to the American people about a pandemic that caused the death on hundreds of thousands that could have been saved? What impeachable offense has Biden committed that has wronged our nation? All I that I have seen Biden do is pass an  Infrastructure Bill that the whole nation will benefit and try to work with the Republicans that best he can. I have seen a President that wants to work with all States and communities. I don’t care what political party you are a part of if you don’t have anything to back your statement up maybe you should keep your mouth shut. Would Biden have been my first choice? Well no, but we went through an election process and he was the winner. Period.  End of story.  So I will try to support him as I have Presidents in the past. I know you will say “What about Trump?” I will be very honest with you. I was embarrassed when this country elected Trump. A man that insults the handicap, has been taken to court for discrimination against minorities, a man that insults women, and a man that has been accused of sexual assault to name just a few of his faults. Still when he was elected I still hoped that he would be successful and work to unite the nation. He failed and he failed badly and many died because of his failure. His lying and misinformation weaken us at home and abroad.

This weekend we are celebrating the 4th of July, our Independence Day. We celebrate the day that we stopped negotiating with England and declared that we were now an independent nation. I have always wondered what we would be today if our negotiations with the King would have been successful and our Declaration of Independence was never written. What would we be today? Well our negotiations were not successful and the rest as they say is history. The Declaration of Independence is just the document that declared our intention. Our real independence had been earned and it was earned with blood. It started out with local militias fighting but it eventually led to the formation of the Continental Army being led by George Washington. Even back during our revolution we knew that to survive we needed to have friends. We found a huge ally in France. Would we have been able to win our independence without France? I don’t know, but luckily for us we didn’t have to try. We did have other allies such as the Netherlands and Spain it was mostly with the help of the French that we were able to gain our Independence. It pays to have friends back then and I still think it pays to have friends now. As we celebrate our independence we should also acknowledge the friends that we have had that helped gain that independence.

Today there are a few Republicans such as Marjorie Taylor Greene that says that we should leave NATO and desert our friends. Needless to say that Ms. Greene does not have a feel for the history of our great nations and how our Allies helped us gain our independence. In the beginning we were not the world power and were dependant of the world powers for our early survival. Since 1776 we have been more powerful with friends than we ever could have been alone. You take one stick and it is very easy to break. You try and break 20 sticks you will find it much harder to break. Strengthening NATO to me is more important than ever. Putin has shown that he wants to recover the old Soviet Union power and territory and after Ukraine there will be someone else. Putin is not afraid of NATO attacking him. He is afraid of NATO stopping him.

This 4th of July we will see many people talking about freedom and the vision that is America that really do not believe in that vision. Our fight for Independence was more than a struggle against a suppressive Government but it was also an ideal that our Fore Fathers thought that the world should be striving for. We have a group of people that have tried to destroy what they have created. They scream that they are fighting for our Constitution without ever reading the document. They marched to the Capitol screaming that they were going to fight for our Constitution when what they were really doing was trying to disrupt the Constitutional Duties that Congress was performing. These same people will be celebrating what the founding fathers created after having supported the very people that would destroy it. We will see tweets from the likes of Greene and Boebert celebrating our independence even though they are in favor of suppressing the freedom on millions. I don’t know about you but I could never vote for someone that would weaken our country for the benefit of our enemies.

Today we appear to be in a fight against suppression again. I really do not think that our founding fathers would like the oppression that is alive today in America. Yes they were all white men. Yes some were slave owners. One thing that they were was brilliant men that created something that could grow and change with the times. Things that they wanted like Separation of Church and State were very important to them. I think that they knew in a Church run state that the things that they cherished most would come under attack. One thing that they cherished the most was freedom and freedom today is just a hollow word as long as you suppress women and minorities.


Which countries became colonial allies during the American Revolution? (


  1. Well done, I agree comleteöy.

    1. I totally agree that you wrote a great article❗️🕊️

  2. “Trump was accused of sexual assault therefore he’s worse than Biden” as if Biden hasn’t also been accused of several. Lol biased much?

    1. Also, I love that this is based off you just reading a headline. You didn’t even read what you are criticizing.

    2. First of all I would like to thank you for taking the time to read my blog and I hope you continue to read it. I did Read the entire article. Reading is how I get all my news because I do not watch cable news.

  3. Again, well said. I have very similar viewpoints as you. I suppose it's bcuz we don't just follow blindly...we evaluate the facts.

  4. Election corruption is how your puppet WEF build back better new world order puppet clown got in power. Only in your world is an octogenarian senile dementia laden life politician actual presidential material. There’s no helping you, the globalist cabal loves you and your idiocy because there is almost nothing that they can’t say or do that you will not gobble up and swallow whole.

  5. Brainwashed by NATO as well. Your views are so predictable it ain’t funny. There’s never been more wars than under NATOs watch lol. Trump the guy who was going to get into WW3 and here in reality we literally have the demonrat puppet in charge who literally has us on the brink of WW3…all manufactured. The American people are generally good…but the government…corrupted af starting and manufacturing wars for decades now. They don’t seem to take too much about all the CO2 bs when it comes to them using their inventory of missiles and military vehicles etc….do they. You’re what’s called a useful idiot. You support and parrot the globalist party line without even paying you because once again your gullible af. I mean I don’t necessarily blame you in that ignorance is bliss right? I mean who wants to think the organizations that are sold to us in one way are literally accomplish the opposite. Where was NATO when the USA went into IRAQ? Where was NATO when the USA involved themselves in regime change in the Ukraine? Anyway had enough of your typical useful idiot blog…you’re nothing but predictable because the satanists know how to play you like a fiddle…again there is NOTHIng that they don’t say or do that you won’t gobble up…end is story…so like I said you’re nothing but a useful idiot.

    1. It’s SO AMUSING when #FauxNews viewers comment. You can tell who their favorite LIAR is, by the vocabulary they use. Cut/paste. 🧐


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