Biden gives a speech and states that MAGA is not good for America. He is being blasted for this from the MAGA crowd as you would expect him to be. But then he could say the sky is blue and the MAGA crowd would blast him so he might as well speak the truth. Yes it is the truth. The MAGA people are not good for America. How in god’s name would you think that White Supremists groups and illegal militias be good for America? How in god’s name do you think that standing next to these guys make you a great American? I am personally glad that Biden has called out those Trump supporters that want to put an unelected person in the White House. Yes, putting Trump in the White House when he was not elected would mean the end of our Constitution and the end of our Republic. If you think I am over reacting I would say number one, you have never read the Constitution and number two, and you value other things more than our Republic. By challenging the election, like the many Republicans have continued to do, is one thing that continues to divide our country. Marsha Blackburn can call Biden “the Great Divider” all she wants but I think that is just one big lie. The country was already divided before Biden ever took office and there is nothing that Biden could have done that would unite the country. A divided America is a weak America and the Republicans like Blackburn want to keep us divided.
There was a plan underfoot to not certify the election and put fake electoral votes in place of the real one. These were Republicans that wanted to do this. They were not just some MAGA person attending a Trump Rally. These were people in the Trump administration and members of Congress, all Republicans. Pence did not go along but if he did our Democratic Republic may have died on Jan. 6th. Because they couldn’t succeed with fake Electoral voters they instead tried to physically take control of Congress to force their will and put an unelected person in the White House. This is not a Political Party that wants to unite our Republic. Though many will deny it, this appears to be a political party that wants to end our Republic. If the Republicans would have truly wanted to unite the Country they would have been the ones that should have been leading the parade when it came to investigating what led to Jan. 6th and who was responsible. Many Republicans still would not vote to certify the election and in some cases supported the insurrectionists that attacked the Capitol. What did Matt Gaetz and Marjorie Taylor Green call them? Political prisoners. Terrorist that attacked our Capitol wanted to hang our Vice President and put the Speaker of the House on trial were political prisoners to some Republican members of Congress. The Republicans that voted for Impeachment have for the most part been censored by the Republican Party and the two that are helping investigate the Jan. 6th insurrection and been pretty much driven from the Republican Party. This is a party that is not only working hard to keep America divided but also a party against our Constitution.
I used to know why people used to vote Republican because I use to vote for Republicans. I used to think that Democrats were weak on Defense. As I have aged I keep reminding myself that during the Obama Administration they stated he was weak on Defense. We were spending as must as the next eight countries combined on Defense at that time. I don’t think that either party is weak on Defense. I think when it comes to Defense spending we have been has been fed is a bill of goods by both parties for votes by both parties but more so from the Republicans. The Republicans say the Democrats are weak on Defense so the Democrats help increase spending to prove they are not and we all pay the price. What weakens us as a nation is when we have Politicians that will lie and bully other nations. What weakens America is when our allies no longer think that they can rely on America. The America First Agenda is what has weakened our Country at home and around the world. Republicans have run around with their silly red hats insinuating that America was weak and only they can make us strong. Dividing the nation selling those silly red hats is what has really has made America weak.
I try to figure out reasons why people would vote Republican. I know people with developmentally disabled children and grandchildren that vote for Republicans. They are voting for the very people that not only mock the handicapped but in my opinion would deny the developmentally disabled services that they need to have a quality life. I have seen religious people vote for a person that is more aligned with Pontius Pilate than with Jesus. I have seen some of those very Religious people spew so much hate from their mouths to the gay and transgender community I bet Jesus himself blushes from embarrassment. I have seen Republicans cry freedom while taking the freedom away by suppressing women and minorities. I see Senior Citizens support Republicans that want to take away their Social Security and Medicare even though we have paid into those systems all of our working life. They make Social Security sound like some government handout even though I have paid into it for 45 years. They claim that their taxes are too high but when you look at what the taxes were for the rich 70 years ago you would know that they pay a significant amount less.
Why I stopped voting Republican was I could see the hatred and bigotry that Newt Gingrich brought to America with his contract with America. I saw then the shifting of the Republican Party from an American Political Party to a White American Political party. To be conservative used to mean to move forward cautiously but we were still moving forward. Today it is a party that wants to divide and concur at all costs. The first time I heard that the Democrats were the enemy of the people by Republicans it shocked me. That was a phrase that that was used by Hitler to demonize the Jews. That was a phrase that Stalin had used to purge millions. It is not a phrase that has been used to unify a nation but a phrase that has been used to suppress, and in many cases murder millions and it was being use by many Republicans. When Biden uses the word Fascism he is looking at the same fear as I am. This is not a fear of Democrat Party failure but a failure to stop what history has already taught what is bad for mankind. I will not stand with such people. The Democrats are not perfect but then who is. The alternative to them is a hell of a lot worse.