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I am a little confused right now. I know that there are a few Republicans that will say that I am confused most of the time but that is another story. What confuses me is why it seems that our Constitution is just a prop for the Republican News channels? The My Pillow guy had his phone confiscated at a fast food restaurant by the FBI and people are screaming that his Fourth Amendment Rights have been violated. Trump had his South Florida residence searched and people are saying that his Constitutional rights have been violated. Why is it that a different Constitution covers them that doesn’t cover the rest of us? A warrant was attained from a Judge because probable cause was shown that a crime may have been committed but that should only apply to you and I? In Trump’s case they found 11 boxes of documents that he didn’t have any business having. I don’t know what they will find on the My Pillow guy’s phone but he is up to his neck in the Trump crime syndicate.

A black women in Louisville, Kentucky was killed by Police while they were serving a no knock search warrant when she had committed no crime to merit a search warrant of any kind let alone a no knock warrant. All you heard was that they back the police. Turns out that the police had lied to the Judge when obtaining the warrant. Talk about a person that just had their Constitutional rights just stepped all over and the “right” is silent. Brianna Taylor is dead because her Constitutional rights were violated. Where is all the outrage from the “right”? They throw the words Constitutional rights around like it is a weapon and everyone should be outraged when they tell them to be outraged. When it really happens and the whole nation should be outraged there is silence. The party of law and order that claims that they are strong on crime is in fact very weak on crime. Oh, they will go after the poor shop lifter but when it comes down to crimes committed against the people like Brianna Taylor they do nothing. In the end there may be a little justice for Brianna Taylor but not enough.

Now, the My Pillow guy has been talking trash all over the airways looking for anyone one that will listen that he has evidence that will prove that the election was stolen. He is knee deep into the insurrection of January 6th. Just the way he shoots his mouth off shows that he is hiding things from Law Enforcement. If he had all this information it should have been turned over to Law Enforcement a long time ago. I am pretty sure he is not the main person in this criminal probe because I truly think that he is just a stooge that has been willingly used by the Trump’s crime syndicate, but make no mistake about it; he is part of the January 6th insurrection in my opinion. Our nation was attacked by Domestic Terrorists sent by the outgoing President Donald Trump. Their purpose was to put an unelected person in the White House which would have destroyed our Constitution. The My Pillow man was part of that and now he tries to say that after he tried to destroy our Constitution that his Constitutional Rights are being violated. Brianna Taylor’s Constitutional Rights were violated but the My Pillow guy’s right were never violated in my opinion.

Not to change the subject, but, I will admit that sometimes I don’t understand the law as well as I should. I would think that if I loaded a bus full of illegal immigrants and transported them across a State line that I would be breaking the law. Ron DeSantis has sent two planes full of illegal immigrants to Martha’s Vineyard. Why is this not breaking the law? He is transporting lawbreakers to another state. You could say he was aiding and abetting, helping criminals escape the law, just to make political points and feed people’s racism. Why are these guy not held to the same laws that I am. He is playing politics and ignoring the law in my opinion. He is also playing politics with individuals that have not had their due process. Could that be a violation of the Constitution? If DeSantis has no respect for the law then why should any of us? Obeying the law has to start at the top. Is illegal immigration a problem? I don’t know but I do know that it is something the Republicans can spout about without having any proof. Why? Because if these people are sneaking across the border and not getting caught how do we know? They aren’t getting caught. See, there is no way of verifying what they say is true or not. One thing that I do know is that there is a labor shortage in this Country.   So, if there is as big of a problem as the Republicans say there is, I don’t know whose jobs are being taken away. Could this be just a political issue that has been created by people like DeSantis to feed their supporters racism and bigotry? You could almost say the DeSantis would lie and break the law to make political points.

I have always believed in rules so I have always believed in the law. They law can’t be one sided. It can’t apply to just some and not to all. When I was growing up the police would give out tickets to kids on bikes if they were breaking the traffic law. They then had a bike court that met on Saturdays. It was a great way for us kids to learn at a young age to respect the law. The lessons of our youth generally stay with us the rest of our lives. Why have people lost respect for the law? It may be because it is administered so unevenly. I could write a whole paper on that.


  1. I feel as you do. So many days, my stomach churns with the latest outrage Rethuglicans have pulled. I've been doing a lot of reading of our country's history. We do have systemic racism and it began even before we became a country. So throughout the several hundred years we've been the US, we see acts of barbarism and cruelty that have been covered up. White supremacists are so terrified of the truth being told they've enacted these crazy laws restricting what teachers can teach. If you like to read, I'd like to suggest 1619 and Killers of the Flower Moon. One is about our treatment of black people, the other about racism toward Native Americans. There are also books about our incarceration of Japanese Americans during WWII. I was totally unaware of all of it during my school years. But that is a big reason you see such rampant racism going on today. We've never faced our history.

    1. My writing of this blog has been a journey for me because if you are going to write I should know the truth behind what I am writing about. Slave patrols becoming much of our modern day law enforcement. There is a reason why they are so dead against CRT. They don’t want us to know the truths that were used to form the theory.


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