Ron Johnson the Republican Senator from Wisconsin is upset. He doesn’t think that your neighbor the Democrat should have a say in America. He also thinks that Democrats should be kicked out of churches. One minute he says sex marriage is bad and he doesn’t support it and the next he has no reason to oppose it. He has stated his opposition to Social Security; he would like to end it. Well he is up for re-election so now he says that he never said that. This is a man that will say anything to get elected but after he is we will see the true man and I will bet that man will be pretty ugly and viscous. This is a man that tried to help over-throw the election and is now saying that he is concerned about the division in this country and we should unite and vote for him. After listening to him talk I really think that drug tests should be mandatory to walk the “Halls of Congress”. I always think what has that man been smoking?
Democrats shouldn’t be allowed to participate in America? Now, if that is not a divisive comment then I guess I have never heard one. Instead of outlining what the future for this country and his state should be he only attacks the Democrats. So let me see here. The Democrats are trying to fix our old and outdated infrastructure and his response is Democrats shouldn’t be able to participate in America? Whatever the Democrats want to do he does not believe that Democrats so participate in America. He wishes that one third of the country is stripped of their rights to participate in this great nation that they helped build. That is not a man that wants Unity. Demonizing your neighbor is not how one goes about unifying a nation. This is a man that wants to stoke the coals of violence without actually saying it.
Democrats should be kicked out of the church. Now that is a very interesting statement. Christians believe that Jesus came to earth to save us sinners but Johnson thinks that it is a sin to be a Democrat so they should be thrown out of the Lord’s house? He of course doesn’t say it that way but we all know what he means. I remember the phrase I learned in Sunday school. Let he who has never sinned throw the first stone. Well Ron Johnson must think he is perfect because he throws a lot of stones. Is same sex marriage a sin? Hell, I don’t know but I know that love isn’t. Two people form a bond or a union out of love and respect should never be considered a wrong thing in my book. In Lonesome Dove Tommy Lee Jones’s character and Robert Duvall’s character had a tremendous bond. They weren’t married but to be honest with you they may as well have been. There are some bonds that are just meant to be. What Republicans really are talking about is sex. They do not want to control Gay Marriage they want to control gay sex. They think that it is immoral and perverted. Here again, throwing the first stone. Of course when you really think about it they want to control all sex even straight sex.
I have seen quotes by Ron Johnson calling for the sun setting of Social Security and Medicare. That is just a fancy way of saying that he wants to eliminate Social Security and Medicare. Those are two systems that I paid into all my working life. They call them entitlements, like us seniors are just mooching of the rest of you. Why lie? He doesn’t have a plan that would replace it. That is the problem with Republicans. Republicans do not have a plan. Just like they wanted to do away with Obama Care they want to do away with something that is working without anything to replace it. We are still waiting for the Republicans to introduce that great plan that Trump said would replace Obama Care. Of course now he is saying the he never said that he wanted to do away with Social Security. Sometimes I just get whiplash just watching him. He also has been what he calls encouraging seniors to go back and work like we are all just sitting around doing nothing. Doesn’t he see all the seniors working and the grocery stores or at McDonalds because they already can’t make ends meet. I really don’t think he really wants our golden years to be very golden. In another lifetime this is a man that would have been hiring child labor in my opinion.
Now Ron Johnson is worried about the division in this country and he wants everyone to unite and vote for him. Here is a man that is in neck deep into the insurrection and the big lie. He was involved with the fake electors. This is a man that worked very hard in my opinion to divide this country and now he thinks that he is the one everyone to rally around to unite us? I know that marijuana is not legal in Wisconsin so he must be sneaking across the border to Michigan to get his. Ron Johnson and his cohorts are the reason that this country is so divided. You do not demonize so much of the country and then expect everyone to follow you. It will be interesting to see what Wisconsin does.
The funny thing about Ron Johnson is that you could change the name to a number of Republican Senators and say the exact same thing. They are all cut from the same cloth and they all work for the same Oligarch masters. The good of the people? There is no such thing to people because Ron Johnson only what is good for his masters.
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