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Well Trump has finally been charged with something. He is being sued by the State of New York for fraud. This won’t send him to prison but it may lead to something that does. Remember, it was Tax Fraud that took down Al Capone. It is a sad day for a country when its leadership is as corrupt as it was with the Trump Administration. It is a sad time for the country when it takes so long for our judicial system to do something about it. What is really sad that we live in a country where many people that just don’t care. Trump’s money and his threats of retaliation have kept him out of jail most of his life. He is a man that the Judicial System should have taken down long before he became President. In America it seems that the more money you have, the more rights you have. I really don’t think that was what the framers of the Constitution had in mind when they wrote it. In fact, I think that they were thinking just the opposite. They didn’t want a nobility or monarchy to be above anything. Remember the first phrase for the preamble “We the People”.  How do we fix it?

We live in a divided country and there does not appear to be any easy solution. I live in Florida which is like the epicenter of the “Great Divide”. It is still very common to see Trump flags all over the place. I just read a headline that says Floridians prefer DeSantis over Trump. To me, that is like preferring the firing squad over lethal injection. Neither is good for Florida or the nation. Neither one has any real respect for the law. To people like Trump and DeSantis the law is a tool you use to suppress and oppress. DeSantis had asylum seekers shipped in so he could fly them to Martha’s Vineyard in Massachusetts. Now why would he ship them there? Because that is where President Obama lives that’s why.  So his whole goal is to try embarrass our former President while also trying to own the Democrats. With the money that he spent he probably could have bought them all a car and had them drive themselves to Massachusetts. Then we have Trump getting mad because he said DeSantis stole his idea. We not only have poor leadership we have corrupt leadership. Both men took an oath to the Constitution of the United States but in DeSantis’s case he took an oath to the laws of Florida too. Neither man has a qualms about breaking the law.

When someone cheats on their taxes some will say that it is a victimless crime. When someone cheats like Trump cheats the whole country is a victim. When DeSantis flies Asylum Seekers from whatever country with false promises he not only victimizes the Asylum Seekers but he also makes us look like lying tyrants to much of the free world. This is the digital age folks. The whole world in watching whether you like it or not. Pictures and stories are beamed all over the world so people see pretty much everything. Our lies as a nation will probably live longer than the nation itself. This blog is not only viewed by thousands of people in this country but also other countries like France, Canada, and India. If they are reading this just think of how many are viewing what CNN, MSMBC, the Associated Press and all the others are publishing. You can say we have an information overload but I say that we have all the information to know what the real truth is as long as we know how to sort through all the crap. The best tool I use to sort through the crap is actually my morals. Something that both Trump and DeSantis lack in my opinion.

When we have legislation like the “don’t say gay” legislation or we have legislation against diversity training called the “woke legislation”, don’t you think that the whole world is not paying attention? With legislation like that our bigotry and racism is on display for the world to see and evaluate. We can’t lecture the rest of the world when we are guilty of the same sins. We now have a very true danger to the world in Russia and their aggression in the Ukraine.  There are probably some Russians that are looking at us, after we attacked Iraq, based on the lies told by our President saying we really have no right to lecture them. Now we can say that Bush did that but when a President talks and what a President does he talks and does for the nation not himself. The history he creates he creates for the United States of America not just the Bush Administration or just the people that voted for him. After every four or eight years we change Presidents or Governors but that does not mean we can just erase the past and get a do over.

In the first paragraph I asked how we fix it. Do we do away with capitalism and embrace just socialism? I really don’t want that to happen. I think that was tried in the past and just brought about a very corrupt system that was more oppressive than it was liberating. It was called Communism which isn’t liberating at all. When our Constitution was written nothing like that in the world had been done quite the same way. I has always been our American ingenuity that has always helped us in the past. We have to stop dealing in absolutes like it has to be one way or the other, Capitalism or Socialism. Other counties like Sweden and Canada have mixed the two and have had good results. They both are freer and happier than we are. Come on, we are the United States of America. If they can do it we should be able to do it better.


  1. Once again I enjoyed your writing, unfortunately we are in a terrible situation and hate seems to be the transgressor hopefully it will calm down but with the election coming I doubt it. The only way I think this can be resolved is to quash these so called churches, they contribute to most of the hate. Thank You David.


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