For a State that has had a lot of hurricanes the State of Florida did not seem to be very well prepared for Ian. Some people may say that Ian is a once in a lifetime storm. So was Michael and so was Katrina. These storms are no longer once in a lifetime storms. They are becoming more and more common the fact that that they seemed so unprepared for it should be surprising. Well, I for one am not surprised. Something like 80 percent of Lee County was without power? Why? The simple truth is that they ignored the electrical infrastructure knowing that if a hurricane like Ian struck is would not survive. You could say that the State of Florida gambled and lost. Hey, that sounds a lot like Texas. It is the people of Florida that will now have to pay just like the people of Texas had to pay. Our already high insurance premium rates will go up even more. They are saying that it will take a year to repair a permanent bridge to Sanibel. Was there ever a study done about what they would have to do if the bridge went out? There should have been but right now they appear to be just making things up as they go along. Is this DeSantis’s fault? For the most part no. There were a lot of administrations before his but he should have sounded the alarm. The Army built bridges during World War II in days so I am willing to bet that the knowledge and the resources are out there. Is this just a matter of DeSantis playing politics so he can look like a hero? It would not be something new for a politician to take credit for the work that other administrations had already done.
I hear a lot of words thrown around like Democracy, Republic, Fascism, Socialism, Communism, Capitalism, and Free Market. The words that I worry about the most are Democracy and Republic because I like to think of us as a Democratic Republic, which I feel is in jeopardy. Some people will say that we are a Capitalistic country. To that my reply is that Capitalism is not a type of government. It is a financial system. To say that the fight is between Communism and Capitalism to me is a stupid argument. For China to be a Communistic country, there sure seems to be an awful lot of rich people from China running around. To me it looks like Communism can grasp Capitalism just fine. Government subsidizing businesses and some people getting rich. Gee, that sound a little like us. I wonder if maybe we are becoming more and more like China than they are becoming like us. Both countries have what I would consider is Industrial Socialism. China admits theirs, and, we try to hide ours. When Fox Com wanted to establish a factory here they set up like a bidding war to see what state would cut them the best deal. Wisconsin cut them the best deal and won. This doesn’t sound like true Capitalism or a Free Market to me. It actually sounds a little corrupt like bribes are being paid to Corporations to build in certain areas. We like to think that Communism is a corrupt system but when it comes right down to “us” our Capitalistic system seems to give them a run for their money. These companies get money from the public but then do not turn around and share their profits with the public. You do know that corporate taxes could actually be interpreted as the sharing of their profits that we helped them make. I would like to add that also in a Free Market a price fixing organization like OPEC wouldn’t even exist. I fear that there is no real free market.
Socialism was supposed to be part of Communism where the people are the owners. Well that doesn’t work because what happens is that the Government winds up owning the people. Freedoms are gone but that is not Socialism’s fault, it is Communism’s fault. In most Democratic Socialist Countries the government does not own the businesses. They just have programs that help the people become freer. Sweden is a Socialistic country but they are a Democratic Country also. I have always stated that having socialized medicine enhances a person freedom. Not having to worry about health insurance makes you free to move around the country as the commercial would say. Are you on a dead end job but stay because you need the benefits for your family? What if your benefits followed you? What if you could start that business that you always wanted to and not have to worry about paying for healthcare? That is real freedom. Yes, there are many social programs that would enhance your freedoms. A lack of some of these Social Programs actually helps corporations in this country because it limits the movement of people, which in turn, limits your freedom. For a country that likes to cry freedom we are not a very free country. I have written many times that Freedom is just a hollow word in America. You really do not have real freedom when so many are be suppressed and denied the real things that would make then free.
Fascism is a word that really scares me and that is why many of the things that the Republicans like DeSantis says really makes me feel that he is not good for America. He relocated some people that he thought as undesirable somewhere else. These were not illegal aliens. These were people seeking asylum like Mary, Joseph and Jesus did in Egypt. Is that how it started with Hitler and the Jews? He just relocated some of them. Then more and more and more? Is this how it starts? He is so anti-woke. In reality a woke person is a person that is searching for the truth. Why suppress the truth? I do feel that DeSantis is anti-truth. His attack on Critical Race Theory is an attack on Black education. It is an effort again to hide the truth of our real past and our attempt to understand it better. Why? Could it be that like Germany he thinks that he is superior to other people and other races. He deports Hispanic Asylum seekers and suppresses Black education. He is also anti-diversity. Do you know what that says to me? It says that it is ok to hate because of race. It is ok to hate because of sexual orientation. We do not have to tolerate other people’s differences. It is ok to be prejudice. That is what I feel it says and I am not alone with that feeling. Is that really ok with you? He wants to ban books and hide the truth. That has been done in the past and it always has led to discrimination and death. It reeks of White Supremacy. If that doesn’t scare you it should.
Well done!