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Ok, I have my ballot so this week I am going to fill them out and send them in. How am I going to vote? Anyone who has been reading knows the things that I won’t vote for but let me tell you about the things that I will vote for. The things that I feel should be important to anyone that truly wants our Republic to succeed for another two hundred and fifty years.

The first thing that I believe in is diversity, the very thing that Ron DeSantis is dead set against. Why would I think that diversity is so important? The most important reason is that we all have to live together. No matter what color, nationality or religion we have to know how to live together. The only way that can be accomplished is by understanding the differences between people. In Florida, Governor DeSantis and the Republicans really went after Disney World because of their Diversity Training of their employees. You have to remember that Disney World not only attracts people from all over the country but all over the world. Diversity has to be the name of the game for a business like Disney World to be as successful as it is. One of their biggest attractions is the “It’s A Small World” attraction. That ride literally shows how small the world really is and how much we have to live together. DeSantis’s anti-diversity campaign was just a justification for people’s racism here in Florida. Instead of trying to help fix the problem of racism here in Florida he made it worse. If you have seen some of my writings you would know that racism and bigotry are two of the things that I feel will destroy our Republic. Accepting the diversity that really is America, that is the only way this great nation can continue to be a world leader. Diversity is what will make America strong. Rejecting the Diversity that is around us only weakens us.

I am very pro-education. Not something that is watered down but education that teaches the truth. Students in foreign countries should not know our history better than we do. I don’t know about Critical Race Theory being taught in our schools but I do know that many theories are formed by linking many truths together that form a theory that ties all the truths together. To suppress the teaching of those truths should never be allowed. Our nation has committed many atrocities and racism has contributed to many of those atrocities. A child learning about the evils of Slavery will not make the child hate his or her race or hate his or her country. Learning of the Holocaust is mandatory in Germany and that has not created a couple of generations of Germans hating themselves. School Boards need to be able to set their own curriculum and teachers must be able to teach without the interference of the Governor. Diversity has to be taught in our schools if we are going to continue to move forward. Here is the word; diversity, that DeSantis hates so much.

I am a huge fan of Freedom and the things that would enhance our freedoms. I will vote for the things that enhance our freedoms. Suppressing a person ability to vote is not enhancing our freedom. It is suppressing a person’s freedom. If a person of color has to wait in line to vote for eight hours and a white man only waits a few minutes that is voter suppression. To be able to vote for our elected officials is the very foundation of our Republic. You look at countries that are freer, like our Canadian neighbors or the Scandinavian Countries; you see that they have many social services that we don’t have. Now they are not communistic countries. They all believe in Capitalism but they supply basic rights to their citizens that enhance their freedoms. Their healthcare follows them around were they go. They have true freedom of movement that we don’t have. We get stuck in dead end jobs because we need those health benefits that people in other counties get automatically. They are free to move and we are stuck. I have written many times that freedom is just a hollow word while you are suppressing women. Taking away control of women’s own bodies is suppressing their freedom and it can’t be interpreted any other way. You can say what about the freedom of the baby? I will say what baby? I would never want any harm to any baby that is born anywhere in the world let alone in the United States but until it is born and until it is breathing on its own it should never be subject to our laws. You have the freedom to practice your religion as you see fit but you should never be able to take that same freedom away from someone else that does not believe the same as you. Rubio is one that loves to quote scripture but not one to walk the walk as a Senator that has taken an oath to protect our Constitution and our freedoms.

I have saved this one to last because it is a very important one but also very debatable. That is the truth. Many people will say that all politicians lie. Lying may be too strong of a word but I will say that some stretch the truth more than others. But I will also say that some Politicians just lie. To walk across a stage yelling “Freedom” like Ted Cruz did while taking women’s freedom away is just a lie, he does not truly believe in Freedom. To listen to a recording of grabbing women by the pussy and then saying it’s fake news is a lie. To say that the election was stolen was a lie then and it is a lie now. To say that Antifa attacked the Capitol like Matt Gaetz did after Jan. 6th was a lie. He knew that he was lying at the time that he said it but he didn’t care. To say that the insurrectionists were just tourists after the whole world witnessed it was just a lie. There were no tourists and they were trying to end our Republic. The Republicans that have told us that they were such great patriots and believers in the Constitution justifying the attack on our Capitol and Constitution are just lying. They are putting party before Country when they had the chance to help preserve our Republic. Instead of leading the way they lied to protect Trump. Instead of working to preserve our Republic they would rather lie to preserve the Republican Party. To me that is the biggest crime of all.



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