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I hear the word Freedom thrown around a lot. Whether it is Ted Cruz and Josh Hawley screaming it on stage or from Ron DeSantis calling Florida the free state of Florida the Republicans are always talking about Freedom. That is the problem. It is all talk. Freedom is a powerful word that should mean and say the same thing to everyone, not just Republicans. The real problem is that Freedom is an overused and very hallow word when it is screams by a person like Ted Cruz or Josh Hawley. The word really has no meaning to them. They just scream it to get votes. What I believe they are screaming really is privilege, White privilege, because that is who they are trying to attract. What DeSantis is talking about I really don’t have a clue and I live here in Florida.

Freedom is a very important word to me and it should not be used just to get votes. If you are really a freedom fighter you are fighting for all Republicans and Democrats, not just a few. If you are not fighting for all, in reality, and in my opinion, you are just fighting for privilege. Is a person like Elon Musk really worried about you freedoms? I don’t think so. He tells people how they should vote but then censors Kathy Griffin because she made fun of him. He has talked about reinstating Trump’s account when Trump has insulted pretty much everyone on this planet that isn’t a dictator. Lying and misinformation was what the First Amendment was supposed to combat. It was meant that the truth was not suppressed by the Crown. Real Freedom is the freedom to search for the truth and then be able to express those truths. Freedom is just suppressed when the truth is being shouted down by the lies and misinformation.

The success of our Democratic Republic is having informed voters equipped with the truth. I don’t see where many Republican politicians are talking about the truth. Democrats can talk about improving the infrastructure and trying to fight inflation which I must admit is true. The Republicans have accomplished nothing for 6 years. All I see is the lies from most Florida Republicans and I don’t vote for lies. We have rising crime in Florida, in my opinion, and who do I see Republicans blame? Why Congressperson Val Demings? Someone needs to explain to me how a Congressperson, any Congressperson is reasonable for local crime. They aren’t. Now, Federal Crimes may be a different story and let’s face it Republicans are real soft on Federal Crimes especially if they are committed by the Trump Crime family. In an effort to suppress the Democrats they suppress the nation and in turn suppress our freedoms.

How can you say that we are the Free State of Florida when you can’t even say Gay? If I am a Gay teacher I could get fired if I told, acknowledged it in a school. When you can’t teach about race history because people will claim that you are teaching Critical Race Theory? When Diversity training is a sin. The DeSantis and his Free State of Florida has thrown Free Speech right out the window. That is just what the First amendment was put there in the first place, the Government suppressing what we talk about. Florida is like the Ministry of Magic in the Harry Potter movie. DeSantis only wants to have State approved education which means he doesn’t want our children being taught the truth. Why it is the truth always seems like some liberal concept? School is suppose to be preparing our children for real life. Suppressing the truth is not preparing them for real life. Why does history tend to repeat its self? It is because of ignorance not because of knowledge. They need to know the atrocities that have been committed throughout history. Why? So maybe we can stop them from being committed in the future. Parents can teach their children what their morals should be and schools should be teaching the truths of the real world. I still wonder what freedom DeSantis has given us? It can’t be guns because I have had guns most of my life and I am almost 70. He has weakened free speech with his “don’t say gay” and his stance on diversity training. His stance on Women’s rights is a stance against Women’s Freedom. He has even tried to take our freedom to protest away from us. “Freedoms” that discriminates are not a Freedom. It is a group that wants the privilege to be superior to everyone else. That is not Freedom to me.  

Your Freedom of Religion is important to me. Not just the Christian religion but all religion and that includes us that want freedom from religion. Whether you are a Jew, a Muslim, Atheist or Christian if you are not talking about Freedom of all Religions what you talking about is privilege again. When our country was founded Christianity was not the only religion that was practiced here. It was the dominate one but not the only one. The first Jews came to America in the middle 1600s. With the importing of slaves from Africa the Muslim religion was also imported with them. Some historians estimate that the Muslim religion has been here for 400 hundred years. The Moors lived in Spain until 1492 so there actually could have been Muslims on Columbus’s boats. If any religion uses politics to force their religion on the rest of the country then what they are doing is taking away the freedoms of many other people that do not believe as they do. If we are truly going to be a free nation we must keep religion out of our government.

The problem that I see is that the Democrats and the media have let the Republicans sound like the party of Freedom when they are mostly the Party of Privilege. After WW II we were probably the freest country in the world. Today we are not even in the top 10. I have seen us ranked as low as 22nd in the world. Some of it is some of our Freedoms are disappearing but it is also may be that many countries now embrace freedom more than we do. I have stated before that guns do not give a person freedom but real healthcare reform would. If you think about it if a person had healthcare that followed them wherever they went and they didn’t have to worry about it that would be real freedom. Free to leave that dead end job. Free to start your own business. Let’s face it. That is not a freedom that the billionaires that own the Republicans want you to have. Most billionaires that control our politicians and the media don’t care a rat’s ass about yours or my freedom. Like Musk they think because of their money they should have the ability to rule over us. I used to question how someone could blindly follow a King that claimed that they were ordained by God. After seeing so many that are willing to be ruled by billionaires I still don’t understand.

I have written many times that freedom is just a hallow word as long as Women do not have the rights to control their bodies. It has never been an abortion issue. What it has always been is an issue of a religious group wanting the rights to control the rights and freedom of other people. I have never met a baby killer. I have met people that believe that a woman should have the right to decide if she wants to be a mother. If you want to have a baby fine. If you don’t want to have a baby fine too. Choosing to have an abortion is not killing a breathing baby period end of story. To tell me otherwise is take my Freedom of in my case from religion and forcing your religious views on me.

If you really believe in Freedom you must believe in freedom for all. If you are talking about freedom for just a few that you are not talking about freedom at all. You are talking about Privilege. Do not confuse the two.


  1. I couldn’t agree more. Beautifully said.
    ( few typos tho)


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