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I was reading a person’s writing on Facebook and about our rising sea levels. He was stating that the seas were 300 feet higher than they were before the first Ice Age. He also stated that it was a natural phenomenon that has continually happen throughout Earth’s history. This statement of course is true, kind of; climate change, rising seas, and Ice Ages has happened naturally throughout the history of the Earth, the problem that I have with that statement is that he didn’t research the reasons why climate change or Ice Age happen. He just grabbed onto a statement that he saw to justify his argument against man’s effect on the climate and our rising seas. There is a reason why things happen, even naturally, and that is the job of scientists to research. That is what a huge part of science is, the discovery of the truth. Climate Scientists are like history researchers but there job is not researching the history of civilizations, their job is researching why there has been so many climate changes in the billions of years of the history of this planet.

One thing that I tend to dislike is when a person that cherry picks Climate Science. Scientists can study what happens to the climate as the Earth’s axis changes over a period of time, or catastrophic events that have changed the climate. Much of that information comes from core samples from drilling in the ice or in the ocean floor and recording the changes. Different layers will record different events that have happened over thousands and thousands a year. When a scientist has studied and come up with the reasons for the various climate change events states that man influence on our climate change is real I would believe that man. It was scientists that discovered the fact, that in the past, the Earth’s axis has change over time and it is the scientist that studies those core samples to identify events that have affected our climate. It is mostly the same scientists that are stating what the effects of greenhouse gas are having on our environment, greenhouse gases made by man. Too many will use what they have discovered before man was the dominate species on this planet as proof that man is not causing climate change when the scientist’s research is telling them just the opposite. Man is now the dominate species on the planet so common sense will dictate that man would have a great impact with everything on this planet including Climate Change.

Now my biggest question is “Why all the lying about Climate Change”? Now, I can figure out why a coal company or an oil company would lie. They lie because they do not want to end the cash cow that has continued to destroy the Earth. Profits over our future should be a crime but of course this is America and even insighting an insurrection is no longer a crime. We have known about climate change for years going all the way to the 60s or before. Jimmy Carter installed solar panels at the White House during his administration in the 70s.  He has now set aside 10 acres of his farmland in Georgia to install enough solar panels to power half the town of Plains, Georgia. The problem that I have is that the media and mostly the Conservative media have let the lie continue and in some cases grow. There should no longer be an argument that Climate Change is real and, there should not be an argument that man has greatly contributed to it. Free speech was so the truth wouldn’t be suppressed not so the truth would be shouted down by people just wanting to make a buck.  The fact that we allow those companies that profit off the lies by bribing our politician’s should be illegal instead being called “free speech” by the Supreme Court. And what about all the foreign money that is pouring into Washington that is ment to influence our elected officials?

There is not a single section of the country that is not affected by climate change. I live in Florida, Fort Myers Florida to be exact. We have experienced two hurricanes in less than two months. The damage from Nicole will be close to a billion dollars. I have read that the damage from Hurricane Ian could top 75 billion dollars. That is a huge hunk on change and will cost all of not just the people in Florida. I have seen the damage from climate change up close and personal. I can say that I lived through a hurricane but there are over 120 people that can’t. The storm was huge, it was a monster that didn’t care if you were rich or poor it just destroyed things that was in its path. I hope to never see one again but the memories will give me nightmares for years. My problem is that the odds are that I will see one again and it will be too soon. It is going to take up to 5 years for us to recover and probably longer than that. It has been 5 years since Michael hit Mexico Beach Florida and I am told that it is only about 65 percent recovered.

To see what I have seen and to still see people denying the role that man has played in our climate makes me question the future of us on this planet. The planet will survive man but will man survive its own stupidity.



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