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Trump has announced another run at the White House. The announcement didn’t surprise me but I was still disappointed. We have just finished an election, in fact, not all the results are even known. The public needs a break from the constant campaigning and I was hoping that we would be getting that for at least a few months. Trump’s brand took a big hit with the elections and I think that attendance at his “grifting” rallies was down. Also, I feel that he is feeling the crunch from all of the investigations going on around him and about him. There is a saying that a good defense is a good offense. It has been exposed that his defense is in shambles so now he must feel that he needs to go on the offensive. He also was being made irrelevant by the main stream Republican Party and he wants to take the party back. By announcing his candidacy now he will be able to call all those investigations “political witch hunts”. He has no real defense so he goes on the offense to try and affect public opinion.

I think that all of the public knows that Trump broke the law more than once. I think there are just people that just don’t care that Trump broke the law. That is what I find disturbing. He took documents from the White House that was not his to take. He was not a king and we were not his subjects. He was the President and he was employed by the American people. Those documents belong to the Country. That is how it works. That is even how it works in Business. All your emails text and memos are all the property of your employer. In the case of the President of the United States all of the documents are the property of the United States, classified or not classified. There is even the Presidential Records Act that actually says that all the documents are the property of the public. Trump broke the law and then lied about breaking the law. This is not rocket science here. I cannot understand how he is still not being held accountable. You can bet your ass that if Obama did the same thing the Republicans would be demanding that he be arrested and prosecuted. Why isn’t Trump? My god Trump wanted Hillary locked up for emails and Hillary was not covered up by the Presidential Records act. Yes, what Hillary did was wrong but what Trump did is a hundred times worse than what Hillary did.

Interfering with the election results is also just plan illegal. He asked the Governor of Georgia to just find the number of votes that would make it so he won. The will of the people? The will of the people be damned. He didn’t care that he lost. All he wanted to do was remain President no matter what. He wanted to remain President even if he had to burn the Constitution and the Country with it. There was no voter fraud and Trump knew it, he just didn’t care. He wanted to be a dictator-in-chief not the President of the United States. He wanted to be another Putin. Look how week Putin has made Russia with his dictatorship. Trump would have done the same to America. You have to have faith in your government and the leadership that they supply. How can you have faith in a Trump or a Putin?

For some, lying is just a way of life and insults are just a way they talk. That is what Trump is and that is how he weakened America. I try and think of any group that he did not insult. We just had Veterans Day. Did you see a single thing that Trump did to honor our Veterans? You know those guys he called suckers and losers. I didn’t. Would you want to do to go to war with a man that doesn’t have your back? I wouldn’t. I find it was strange that this Country elected a man I wouldn’t trust with my granddaughter.  A man that has no respect for women. A man that thinks he can just grab them by the crotch. He even looked at his own daughter as a sexual object. He also made fun of the Developmentally Disabled. That is just disgusting but there were some people with Developmentally Disabled children and adult relatives that still voted for him. If he was disgusting what are they?

I always see those approval rating polls and know that they don’t mean squat. If you would ask me different questions on different subjects I would give an honest rating but that does not reflect the overall rating. If you ask me if Biden was soft on crime I would have to say “yes”. Why? Because one of the biggest criminals in my lifetime is walking around free. Trump should have been arrested over a year ago. He stole documents that were required by law to be turned over to the National Archives. Some of those documents were classified that should have been returned to the proper agency before he even left the White House. He tried to intimidate election officials wanting them to commit fraud. He also instigated an insurrection in attempt to destroy a branch of our Government. The man belongs in jail and if any President had done any of these things I would be saying the same thing. Why isn’t he in jail? is the question that you hear all the time. Just because he was President doesn’t mean that he is above the law. Nixon had to be pardoned by Ford. Nixon’s Vice President Spiro Agnew was convicted of crimes that he committed. Just because Biden is weak on crime doesn’t mean the Republicans are strong on crime. The Republicans have been too weak to stand up to that very criminal. I could never vote for a party that let’s itself be run by a criminal besides being run by one big pig.

As a Country we need to keep moving forward and not backwards. At least that is what Biden and the Democrats are trying doing. The Republicans do nothing but make us stagnant. You watch the Republicans will first go after Hunter Biden. Why? Beats the hell out of me. Trumps own DOJ didn’t go after Hunter Biden but you watch.


  1. I totally agree with everything you said. Good job!


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