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We have an election next week that may just be the most important election in my lifetime. Didn’t I say that for the last election? Why are these elections so damn important now? Have they always been this important? Maybe they were but we just didn’t realize it at the time. Back in 2000 we had an election and a close one at that. Do you think that maybe there would be a million Iraqi’s alive now if Gore would have won instead of Bush? I had more faith in the public back then to do the right thing than I do now because of that election. Why? Maybe it’s because of those one million dead Iraqi’s. We attacked a Country that was not a threat and we changed the course of history for an entire region. The Middle East is still very unstable and there is only one country to blame. Our vote matters and how we vote has a direct effect on not only America but the rest of the world. What happens to Europe if we withdraw support of Ukraine and let Russia and Putin move as they please? Who would be next. NATO is there for one purpose and that it to resist Russian aggression in Europe. No Russian Aggression and no NATO simple but as long as there is aggression organizations NATO will remain necessary.

I just do not understand the American Voter today. Gone is voting for the best man or woman because not matter who you put in there they will fall in step with the rest of their party. Values? Values don’t seem to be that important at all. Christian values? I don’t even know what those are anymore. How can you have a gun toting culture and have Christian values? How can you believe in the sanctity of life and have “stand your ground” laws. We have gone from a society of justice to a society of vengeance. Were we always this way? Children are dying because of guns and we say the answer is more guns? I have stated many times before the that one of my definitions of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again expecting different results. That’s not rocket-science folks. That is just good old common sense. What is the difference between a good guy and bad guy?  A lot of times it is one bad decision. I would rather ask the question who benefits from all the guns on the streets? Who benefits from the chaos that they can create? Some people will tell you that it is so we can rebel against a suppressive government. Show me one rebellion around the world where the country was better off just one. That is way our vote is so important instead to rebellion.

How can you say that you are a person of family values and then vote for Hershel Walker? I can’t figure out any reason why someone would want Hershel Walker in the Senate. Who will Walker really represent? I am pretty sure he won’t be representing the people of Georgia. I hate to tell you this but representing the interests of billionaires is not representing the will of the people. These billionaires are in many cases international billionaires with interests all over the world that wish to own American Politicians not for the good of our country, but for the good of their international businesses. Is a businessman like Elon Musk thinking about what is good for America? Most businessmen now think only about what is good for business. Look a Twitter. The 2nd largest stock holder of Twitter is the Saudi Royal family. Are they interested in free speech or maybe, just maybe, they are more interested in shaping public opinion to meet their needs. Billionaires want to not only want to control public opinion but they want to control the people that can regulate that control. As long as we keep and electing people that don’t truly represent the people the worse it is going to get.

There are many Republicans that talk about the truth. Trump was thrown off Twitter because of his lying and misinformation and he talks like he is a defender of the truth. People died from his lying and misinformation. I have heard that Jan. 6th was just tourists. That was a lie. I have heard that it was Antifa and that was a lie. I have heard that it was people exercising their right to peacefully protest and, that too was a lie. Too many don’t care that we are being lied to about some pretty serious stuff. These are deliberate lies for power. They are meant to destroy your faith in the American way of life not enhance it. They want to divide us while they prey on our racism. 6 million Jews died because of racism and we still are hearing the anti-Semitic garbage. Why are our leaders not standing up to that? Why is the news media’s not standing up to that? Hatred and violence have now become too much of a political tool. One political party more than the other is the one that does not really believe in the vision that used to be America. They have promoted violence. They have promoted lies. They have promoted racism and they have not stood up against the anti-Semitic garbage that is out there. Why are we not standing up to them?  


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